Increasing from 2 m running to 5 m?Need Encouragment!

gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
I am following the Runners World Running Program to run a 5K in June. I completed the 2nd week (2 m running/1 m walking x10)and am moving on to week 3. It says to run 5 minutes now. Ugh! It seems like they are saying run 3,483,908,089,549 minutes in my brain and I dont know why I am so pysched out. I swear the mental part is harder than the running part. Should I expect it to be difficult? How have others done when they've had to step it up in their running program? HELP!! :huh:


  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    I am following the Runners World Running Program to run a 5K in June. I completed the 2nd week (2 m running/1 m walking x10)and am moving on to week 3. It says to run 5 minutes now. Ugh! It seems like they are saying run 3,483,908,089,549 minutes in my brain and I dont know why I am so pysched out. I swear the mental part is harder than the running part. Should I expect it to be difficult? How have others done when they've had to step it up in their running program? HELP!! :huh:
  • of course itll be difficult but thats what you want! You want to push yourself to make yourself better!! And it wont be too difficult for you to do, you can TOTALLY do it, youre ready now otherwise they wouldnt be saying you are, but it is going to work you but you need to push yourself! Dont cheat yourself!!! My husband pounds that into my head constantly... your body CAN do it, dont cheat yourself out of it!

    my best advice for running is dont think about it!!! listen to music... I sing cadence in my head lol. Or I stare out with "left right lay-o, lefty right lay-o" repeating in my head, lol. When I ran with my husband I just stared at his back and didnt even think about the fact that I was running... and I shocked myself at how well I did! you can do 5 minutes of running, just keep your breathing under control and zone yourself out.... 5 mins will be up and you wont even know!!! good luck!!!!

    You can do it!!!!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    I've been attempting to become a runner for the past 8 months. I, too, will be doing my first 5K in June! What helped me was to focus on my breathing. I count breaths and focus on the in and out. I do use good tunes, but can run without then by focising on my breath. When I run outside as opposed to inside on my treadmill, I run for a certain number of breaths instead of a number of minutes.

    Hope this helps!:flowerforyou:
  • marathongirly
    marathongirly Posts: 39 Member
    I agree ..the first 5 minutes are the hardest.. Your body is trying to figure out what you are doing to it.
    Just go with it..don't think about how far I have to go...just do it! I watched "7 lbs" last night ( w/ Will Smith)and the actress had a heart condition and one of her dreams was to JUST RUN!!! We can and we are bless because we can..I think of people that would love to be able to run but can't wheelchairs, too heavy, too olda). Stops me from complaining...It is addicting, just enjoy it and your body will want more. I have done 7 marathons and two wks ago did the Boston Marathon which was an incredible experience and honor.
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    I agree ..the first 5 minutes are the hardest.. Your body is trying to figure out what you are doing to it.
    Just go with it..don't think about how far I have to go...just do it! I watched "7 lbs" last night ( w/ Will Smith)and the actress had a heart condition and one of her dreams was to JUST RUN!!! We can and we are bless because we can..I think of people that would love to be able to run but can't wheelchairs, too heavy, too olda). Stops me from complaining...It is addicting, just enjoy it and your body will want more. I have done 7 marathons and two wks ago did the Boston Marathon which was an incredible experience and honor.

    How funny!! I watched this movie too last night and it DEFINITLY got me to thinking...what if we couldnt? I've had that phrase on my office desk for awhile now, it keeps me going.

    I just decided to try for a 5k in September...I'd love to run a 5k. I noticed that even though I'm overweight, I CAN run...II'm in much better shape than I give myself credit for. I did a charity walk this weekend and to help break up the monotony, my step daughter and I jogged part of the way. I was shocked that as tired as I was I was still able to run and it felt GOOD using different muscles for a bit.
  • marathongirly
    marathongirly Posts: 39 Member
    Way to go goochinator!!! Now think how you would have felt with that 26 lbs on that you lost!!! I have a 10 lb wt vest that I were from time to time and it amazes me how just 10 lbs can make such a difference!!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    This may seem simple, but why not do the increase in stages? If this is a mental hurdle, just go to 3 min and increase 1 min over subsequent workouts. Don't let the schedule rule you. If you are doing quality, consistent workouts, you will eventually have a "leap of quality" and be able to make a more substantial increase. I have had to restart running programs after long injury layoffs so many times, I speak from an "expert" perspective.
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    I have just recently started running and I LOVE it! What a wonderful feeling. I started out by walking for a bout 10 minutes (I couldn't do any more) and I slowly increased to a half hour. I was getting bored of the walking every day so one day I tried running. I loved it so much so now I have been running every day.
    Just give it a try. It will be hard, but it's also new and exciting and you can do it. I would also recommend that you workout your body in a lot of different ways, not just running and walking. I am not a fan of lifting weights, but I do a lot of push ups, yoga and pilates. I believe all of this combined is what got my body ready for running.

    Good luck! You can do it.
  • runner1
    runner1 Posts: 1
    Running is partly mental. If you are on a treadmill try covering up the time or if you are outside try picking an object that is about 5 minutes away and check your time when you reach it. You will suprise yourself. Your speed is also important. It is harder to run a 9:30 min. mile than a 10 min. mile. Even if you are only running for 2 minutes, at what speed are you running those 2 min. As a long distance runner I cannot run a 9:00 mile for my whole run, so I have to make adjustments and pace myself. Sprinting, Intervals, Hills, and Steady pace runs all make for good training. Make sure you are warming up and cooling down enough too. 5-10 minutes (at least) of walking prior to starting your run and after your run is a must. Good luck
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