25 lbs or more to lose?

Im looking for people in my similar situation.. ive lost over 30 lbs so far and have plateod for a few months now.. i am lose and gain the same few lbs every week.. yesterday i weighed in at 168.. im 5'3.. so if you need a new friend :) please add me!! xox jessie


  • chelsea_thatsme
    chelsea_thatsme Posts: 138 Member
    hi jessie

    i am looking to loose 50 lbs. just started mfp back again this week and am sticking for good. already lost 3 lbs.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    hi, i have to lose 90 lbs, have already lost 13 so i am on my way! Feel free to add me.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    ey hey!

    I've lost 23 so far and i've got about another 30 to go!

    anyone can feel free to add me!
  • I have 45 to lose. Started out great and lost 10.....then my sister was diagnosed with cancer, and I started stress eating again and was so busy helping her that I never had time for grocery shopping so I ate crap. I am looking for friends who can encourage me as well as friends I can encourage on their journey.
  • mochaphobic
    mochaphobic Posts: 92 Member
    Hey, I'm 5' 3" too! I just weighed in at 162 point something and need to get down to mid 130's apparently to be healthy. So I guess I'm in the 25 or more pounds to lose group, too. :)
    (But I'm not really trying to lose over the holidays, just maintain until Jan. I figure I've beaten the odds if I don't gain. LOL!)
  • kelly3779
    kelly3779 Posts: 33 Member
    HI :) I just joined and I have 70 lbs to lose. Could really use some help staying motivated!
  • Swisheroo
    Swisheroo Posts: 10 Member
    I just joined a few days ago. I actually started on Tuesday. I've lost 5 pounds so far by keeping track of my calories, fat and carbs. I upped my protein and lowered my carbs. I'm not exercising yet in order to get my body used to less calories first because I really hate feeling hungry. I have 60 pounds to lose so we are on a simliar journey. Feel free to friend me! WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • Paige200
    Paige200 Posts: 13 Member
    Just joined and I have 80 more to lose, but it seems like a very long road!!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Just joined and I have 80 more to lose, but it seems like a very long road!!

    It sure is, but it's worth it as you go down it and start to see the benefits of your hard work.
  • ohnogogo
    ohnogogo Posts: 110 Member
    I have lost 42 so far and have another 40 - 50 more to lose (I haven't picked an exact goal weight yet). Anyone may feel free to add me. Always nice to have more friends to help with the motivation of staying on track.
  • I have lost 13 lbs but still have at least 70 to go but keep up the great work you can do it
  • wow thank you guys!! im glad u all decided to request me.. i dont know if i said before..but i did lose about 30 lbs with MFP and decided to start fresh and completely over.. i was about at the same weight for months and would gain the same few lbs back and lose it again.. ! i thought starting over might help my mind set.. I feel like ill be just as motivated as i was wen i first started..! thank you for all the support.. im so excited to start this journey over! xoxo jessie
  • i'm 5/7 and 150 lb i've already lost 5lb and hoping to lose another 25. please feel free to add me. i think everyone trying to lose weight should have support from other people in the same position :) xx
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    I'm 5'4" and looking to lose 30-35 as well. Just started last week :)
  • I'm 5'4" and today i weigh 184. I just started a diet today and my goal is to get down to 135 to 140lbs
  • koolcd3
    koolcd3 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started. I'm 5'4 & weigh 195 lbs. Its hard very hard.
  • melhayes1115
    melhayes1115 Posts: 187 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I have 23 more pounds to lose and I have lost 51 so far. I have found that having a good support system works wonders!
  • wow u guys all motivate me.. knowing there are people out there in my same situation.. those stubborn 5 lbs i keep gaining and losing will disapear soon! lol!
  • hi i have 40 lbs to lose.
    need a lot of help to keep motivated.
    especially to not gain any more over the holidays
  • I am 5'4 and would like to loose 40-ish pounds by summer. I've lost faith in myself. I have lost 20lbs, but have gained half back. I'm losing hope. It's hard for me to stay motivated and consistent. Need help! :)