My Fitness Pal Said no...

Hey peeps! I'm newish, and just read posts, don't really post, but I thought I would share. Went to Orange Leaf with some people after a movie and I said "Not uh. Cause My Fitness Pal Said no!" Meaning I was at that limit for my day. It's like this past month it is my healthy eating friend that kicks my butt when the report says that I had more than I'm supposed to. I found it funny! Thought I'd share!


  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    ha ha I like the way it sounds "My Fitness Pal said no!" it sounds like you are talking about an actual person.
    Good job though at staying on track!
  • mrsbugs815
    mrsbugs815 Posts: 20 Member
    Great answer!! and way to go being so dedicated.
  • rouianne
    it keeps me from binge eating... when i see my goal and my diary... its almost like a sin to ignore it...
  • Garnet2011
    that's exactly how I feel. You just have to log stuff and keep track so that you don't disapoint you're fitness pal
  • bignas76
    bignas76 Posts: 19 Member
    Someone might want to make a T-shirt with that statement on there.
  • fayglet
    fayglet Posts: 72 Member
    Haha! I have those moments too!
    Great job on staying motivated - and feel free to add me :)