Christmas Goals and Motivation

Hey, guys!

So I found myself snacking today; I couldn't seem to put the fork down at dinner! As I was chomping down, gulp after gulp and practically inhaling my food, I reminded myself how nice it would be to drop a couple of pounds before Christmas. This thought made me decide to decrease the rapidity (idk if that is a word haha) of how fast and much I was eating for the rest of the night. Although the thought of losing some by Christmas is a good motivation, indeed, I was just wondering, what are your Christmas goals and motivation? I am finding that I am having a bit of a tough time keep motivational ideas. Okay, well, thanks! :blushing:


  • andrealn
    I couldn't help but notice your post. Though I have used the myfitnesspal iPhone app a lot in the past, I am new to the forums, and I am feeling a strong need for support through the holidays with all the rich foods and desserts! Like you, I am wondering if I'm crazy to try to make positive changes to my eating and exercise habits during this time of the year, but I certainly don't want to let myself spin out of control over the next few weeks, either. It's easy to say I'll just eat "clean" throughout the week, and then let myself eat what I want at parties and gatherings. However, I find that occasionally letting my guard down like that sort of ruins my momentum, and I end up eating other comfort foods and sweets throughout the week. It's really hard to get excited about a salad or a grilled chicken sandwich when it's Christmas time. Anyone else out there have this same problem?
  • chickpeas83
    Hey guys,
    this is the perfect time to be watching! Its hard but oh so rewarding! My holiday festivities seem to be increasing and its hard to stay motivated when there are so many goodies around, but thats why this forum is so amazing!

    My personal mantra,
    "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels"

    Add me as a friend and we can do this togather!
  • chickpeas83
    Hey guys,
    this is the perfect time to be watching! Its hard but oh so rewarding! My holiday festivities seem to be increasing and its hard to stay motivated when there are so many goodies around, but thats why this forum is so amazing!

    My personal mantra,
    "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels"

    Add me as a friend and we can do this together!