Does anybody know what this is? Has it worked for any of you in the past?


  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    just bumping this up so it doesnt get lost really want to know about this!!
  • kimski08
    kimski08 Posts: 28 Member
    I've heard of this before but don't know much about it - I like the idea of it though.
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    I have been zig zagging for a couple of months. Before the holidays hit I was very strict about this. I'm basically maintaining my weight until all the hooplah is over and then I will lost the last 6 lbs.

    Ok, so take the calories you want to eat daily and multiply that by 7

    then take that total and do a 7 day zig zag

    here is an example of a zig zag week of mine.


    There is a pretty cool calculator that will do this for you


    . The one thing I strongly advise is don't use the Extreme fat loss unless it says you can eat 1200 or over. Even then I think it might be too low depending on how much you weigh. At the end of the 7 days weigh again and go plug your new info into it.

    It really works. I was stuck in the 150's till I started zig zagging and I've lost 7 lbs on it. I have 6 to go.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I zigzag... but that's just how I live my life... not based on any plan. I eat what I want to eat within reason and log everything. I don't feel guilty about eating roast dinners or pizza or whatever.... I drink and I have choc-ice cream every other night... because it fits.

    Sure I'm counting calories, but some days I'm under and others I'm over... it's something I look at over a week or two weeks and with Christmas coming up.. all I can say is .... BRING IT ON :laugh:
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    Does anybody know what this is? Has it worked for any of you in the past?

    Go listen to Jillian Michaels latest podcast ... it's free! :) She's kinda perfected zig zagging and explains it in the podcast. It's in the last 8 minutes of it!

    A few years ago, whenever I'd plateau I would do what she said which is take 3 days off of training, and bump up your calories for 1 day to 2000 calories ... for men that 1 day is 2500. She was right ... it was always enough to bump me off a plateau.
  • aspen1377
    aspen1377 Posts: 60 Member
    I do this as well...sometimes because I've worked out more and am hungrier, and other times just because. I follow the "Olivia Method" of tracking that you will see if you search this community, and because we're looking for specific calorie deficits it allows me to eat anywhere between 1500-2300 calories a day and still lose...and I don't have much left to lose.
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    I have been zig zagging for a couple of months. Before the holidays hit I was very strict about this. I'm basically maintaining my weight until all the hooplah is over and then I will lost the last 6 lbs.

    Ok, so take the calories you want to eat daily and multiply that by 7

    then take that total and do a 7 day zig zag

    here is an example of a zig zag week of mine.


    So I went to the website and put my info in and it says I should be eating 2500 calories mfp says 1920 what should I do?

    There is a pretty cool calculator that will do this for you


    . The one thing I strongly advise is don't use the Extreme fat loss unless it says you can eat 1200 or over. Even then I think it might be too low depending on how much you weigh. At the end of the 7 days weigh again and go plug your new info into it.

    It really works. I was stuck in the 150's till I started zig zagging and I've lost 7 lbs on it. I have 6 to go.
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    Sorry I tried to quote it but put it in the quote lol. The website says I should have something like 2488 and then all these big numbers but mfp says 1920 is what I need what should I do??? Also if you exercise do you eat the calories?
  • ceannesjourney
  • debstanley4
    debstanley4 Posts: 208 Member
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I do zigzagging often and it does work. It helps me to break a plateau each and every time. I believe it's helped me to keep my metabolism moving and helped me to lose the 106 lb. in 11 months.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Sorry I tried to quote it but put it in the quote lol. The website says I should have something like 2488 and then all these big numbers but mfp says 1920 is what I need what should I do??? Also if you exercise do you eat the calories?

    That website takes your exercise into account (if you listed that you exercise in the drop-down box, it adds more calories than if you said you do t exercise). MFP does not account for exercise calories until you log the exercise.
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
  • mcrmsi77
    mcrmsi77 Posts: 216 Member
    I see!!! So people that do the zig zagging do you just weigh in the day before you do the heavy calories or what? I ma scared that I will screw something up lol.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Do you zig zag regardless of exercise or do you zig zag your net calories? I was just wondering because some days I only burn 100-200 calories but many days I burn around 1000.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    It's basically a way to over-complicate your diet without any physiological benefit unless you're already quite lean.