When to weigh-in

Should you weigh in before out after exercise. I've heard both...just thought I'd check with the pros.


  • weigh-in first thing in the morning . I do every Friday
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Whenever you want, just be consistent with time of the day and clothes on/off. If you weigh yourself after exercising with your clothes on, always weigh in after exercizing with your clothes on.

    ETA: Of course, weighing in immediately after aking up (after toilet) and before breakfast, will give the lowest weight so you might as well pick that moment of the day!
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Whenever you want, just be consistent with time of the day and clothes on/off. If you weigh yourself after exercising with your clothes on, always weigh in after exercizing with your clothes on.

    ETA: Of course, weighing in immediately after aking up (after toilet) and before breakfast, will give the lowest weight so you might as well pick that moment of the day!

    ^^^do this^^^

    Just be consistent with whatever time and manner you pick; I weigh myself in first thing on Sunday mornings w/ no clothes on.
  • Wez317
    Wez317 Posts: 14 Member
    ditto bert16
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I weigh in daily in the morning upon awakening, nude and after a poo - seriously, there is no nice way to say that.
    I want to know my body weight - nothing else....lol
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    I weigh in daily in the morning upon awakening, nude and after a poo - seriously, there is no nice way to say that.
    I want to know my body weight - nothing else....lol

    This is what I do. Just me, no food, no water, no clothes. True weight.
  • MsBaby117
    MsBaby117 Posts: 201 Member
    I weigh in at the same time every week (Friday mornings) when I first wake up...As long as you are consistent and weigh in at the same time every week so that you are getting a true reading...(and try to have on the same clothes or similar clothes)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I weight myself every day I go to the gym, so first thing in the morning after morning ablutions and then sometimes I'll weigh myself when I get back from the gym and it's nice when I drop a 1kg, but I know that's just water weight and will go back on over the course of the day.

    I only record my weight once a week though... usually Saturday mornings, but these past few weeks, it's been a Thursday or a Friday because I've been away at the weekend. This week I weighed in on Friday, because next week it will be Thursday.

    Then I'll weigh in on Xmas day and again on Boxing day.... just for a laugh!!!! (we're doing a "maintain don't gain" promotion at work and I might be one of the few who's actually going to lose weight over the Holidays :happy:)
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    ditto bert16

    Double ditto. Any day would work but this is the best way to get an accurate weight, IMO. Whatever you decide, be consistent or you will drive yourself nuts with fluctuations.
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    I record my weight only once a week, mostly on Mondays.. I do spot check it some during the week but only use the Mondays weigh in.
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    ditto bert16

    Double ditto. Any day would work but this is the best way to get an accurate weight, IMO. Whatever you decide, be consistent or you will drive yourself nuts with fluctuations.

    Triple ditto!
  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    My rule for weighing in.... only first thing in the morning before I eat anything. If you forget and eat first but really wanted a weigh in, resist the temptation, skip it, and don't weigh in until the next day.
  • weigh-in first thing in the morning . I do every Friday

    This. My weigh in day is Saturday. :bigsmile:
  • buttahbaby
    buttahbaby Posts: 53 Member
    Wow, thanks for all the help. Its truly appreciated.
  • I weigh in daily in the morning upon awakening, nude and after a poo - seriously, there is no nice way to say that.
    I want to know my body weight - nothing else....lol

    That's what I do!
  • weigh in first thing in the morning after you have urinated and before you have had anything to drink for the most accurate results. Whatever time you choose, always weigh in at the same time!
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I way in first thing in the morning before getting ready for my day.
  • aspen1377
    aspen1377 Posts: 60 Member
    I record my weight only once a week, mostly on Mondays.. I do spot check it some during the week but only use the Mondays weigh in.

    I do the exact same thing...weight myself every morning naked...but I only "count" Monday weigh in as the official one since I fluctuate throughout the week...