need help finding something to do!!!

A little background first...

I was in a horrible car accident when I was 15 and now at 21 I'm to the point where I can get around most of the day withal minimal pain. I had my last surgery on both knees may 2011. I will never run again (according to my MD) and I can almost make it up a flight of stairs without pain. Now that its been six years and I can finally move, i want to get rid of this tire around my middle... and lower... and upper lol

What I'm trying to find...

something that I can actually do, I can ride a stationary bike (for like 15 mins) and I used to love doing yoga but I just don't have enough strength in my legs to do it right now. I can't do squats or lunges yet because of the surgery still so they're out till i'm stronger...

Does anyone have exercises that are extremely low impact?
Any ideas of what I can do to get stronger in my legs?

any help would be very much appreciated!!!


  • magz_weltha
    Any sort of swimming/water aerobics would be good. Finding a gym with a pool and with such classes might get kinda pricey, but your health should be worth it! I'm sure you agree because you're here now and trying to find answers!
    Another good thing to start doing is stretch, stretch stretch! Stretch your little heart out! It really makes a huge difference in the range of motion in your joints and overall mobility! You're also strengthening the muscles in a very low impact way, and it's free! Especially since you like yoga, this is a good way to begin getting back into exercise! There are many methods you can follow, I've personally loved Aaron Mattes teaching, each breath you stretch and release.
    I was in a serious accident went I was 16, breaking my neck and having terrible back pain. I can relate to you, so I want to help as best I can! Add me if you'd like, hope this helps!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    A little background first...

    I was in a horrible car accident when I was 15 and now at 21 I'm to the point where I can get around most of the day withal minimal pain. I had my last surgery on both knees may 2011. I will never run again (according to my MD) and I can almost make it up a flight of stairs without pain. Now that its been six years and I can finally move, i want to get rid of this tire around my middle... and lower... and upper lol

    What I'm trying to find...

    something that I can actually do, I can ride a stationary bike (for like 15 mins) and I used to love doing yoga but I just don't have enough strength in my legs to do it right now. I can't do squats or lunges yet because of the surgery still so they're out till i'm stronger...

    Does anyone have exercises that are extremely low impact?
    Any ideas of what I can do to get stronger in my legs?

    any help would be very much appreciated!!!

    Why not try a restorative yoga? So many different styles of yoga, many of them therapeutic. There are several good sessions on Barbara Benagh's DVDs, the beginner and stress relief ones are very gentle. You might be able to find them on YouTube. :smile:
  • Iamachocaholic
    Hi there ~
    I can understand your pain, as I have had two knee surgeries on my left knee due to a skiing accident, and often have trouble walking when the weather turns.
    Sooo, being limited as to what machines and classes I can do (no Zumba or high-impact anything) I have found that rowing has been my God-send. Rowing has toned my arms, stomach and back muscles, and even strengthened my leg muscles!!
    I started out at 10 minutes, doing 29-31% intensity, with a "5" on the wheel meter ... I am now up to 40-45 minutes with 30-32% intensity (still at a "5" on the wheel meter) depending on the day. Can't hurt to try right? :)
    Feel free to friend me if you like ...
    Squeaky ~
  • nanhick
    Hi, I have oesteoarthritis and degenerative arthritis and have had 2 surgeries on my right knee so I understand the pain thing. Sometimes its all I can do to move anything, including my fingers on the keyboard. When I feel good I will dance around the house to a song on the radio or tv I really like and sometimes I do chair dancing which is dancing while sitting down. I also try to remember to do stretching every day. Like someone else said, stretching is very important. I also knit and crochet. I had surgery on two toes in April 2010 and was unable to even walk hardly at all for 6 weeks and had to wear a special boot thing which totally threw my hips and back out of kilter. I still am not back to where I was before the surgery but I still get up every day and keep trying. And, now that I'm on MFP I feel/hope that I can turn my health around and be healthier and happier then I've been for a long time. I guess my advise is to just keep moving and living and trying and don't give up. You'll get there.