Need some motivation to get back on wagon

So I started off at 150 lbs and got down to 118 pounds . This took almost 2 years of eating healthy and excercizing. The past 2 months I have been eating so much and not being strict with myself or Having any self control. I now weigh 130. And it's not water weight. I gained 12 pounds back our of the 32 that I lost and I want to get back down.. I do not want to keep up my bad habits and gain it all back.. I have worked far to hard:( where has my self control gone?? I am 5"5 and 21 years old by the way


  • camillehardeman
    Okay, at 5'5 and 130 pounds, you should know already that any weightloss should be minimal (since you are at a very healthy weight). What is your goal? I have similar stats to you (5'6, 128ish) and i'm trying to build lean muscle and get stronger. If you have a clear goal, that's the best motivation. When you feel like giving up, just remind yourself that you deserve the body you've always wanted, more than the junk food. Feel free to message me for motivation help whenever :)
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I started at 306.2 on 12/13/10 and made it down to 244 in May 2011. From May-Nov. I went up to 265 because for some reason I had no motivation, I wanted to get back into it but I just didn't have the heart. The thing that finally worked for me was that I woke up every morning with the intention that I would get on my diet and I was going to stay on it. I started that in November and failed most of the time but finally In the first week of December, it just clicked. I have been doing great now and feel like I don't even want to cheat and I love working out again.
  • bayabaya
    I truly felt so good at 118. Now that I'm back to 130 I feel flabby again. My love handles are back:(
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Log in every day, everything you eat and exercise! Don't beat yourself up over any mistakes. You will not lose every week, take measurements! I do mine monthly. Make sure you are eating enough! Eat back some or all your exercise calories. This is a lifestyle change not a diet! Motivation comes from within, you have to want this badly enough to do the work and you will find a great support system here! Welcome to the journey!!