Getting out of bad habbits?

I seem to have a habit were ill buy junk food if everyone else around me is the temptation is hard also i am meant to be having 2 shake meal replacments a day yet ill only have 1 or none because id go eat food and say stuff it i wont go over my calories most of the time i dont but sometimes i do.....I am trying to exersice for 30mins a day walking and jogging but sometimes i cant be bothered.I also have a habit of buying 1 can of coke a day for the caffiene hit because i cant drink coffee or milo etc because of dairy my stomach dosent mix well with it.How can i get out of my horrid habbits and just become straight out good again.When i was about 17 i put weight on from drinking ALOT of coke everyday until one day i ended up in hospital from very bad panic attacks i thought i was having a heart attack from there i gave up all soft drink and turned to nothing but water only and never ate junk food because i was scared of the whole panic attack feeling i lost all that weight and went down to 45kg for my height its healty and i was really skinny and happy.I cant work out why i cant get back in this habit now im 26 and more mature and i try to go back to that habit and i cant any ideas?


  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Try logging everything....ahead of time....plan out your daily meals and refuse to buy junk food in bulk :noway:

    You can't get back to your better habits because it's just not that important to you have to make a decision and support it. for your kids, partner...? sure, but when it's for you is really the only way it'll stick.

    you can do this...decide to :flowerforyou:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    The one thing I'd say to this is instead of trying to change everything at once, focus on one thing at a time... Trying to go from no exercising to say 5 times a week or whatever, plus trying to do meal replacements, plus whatever else can easily burn someone out and you're left not wanting to do any of it. Pick one area this week and work on it.. Maybe start with giving up soda if you want to try that..... or just working it out of your diet, maybe have it 1 or 2 times a week, and then none.. I'm not saying to ignore good eating, while focusing on say exercise, but just don't get down on yourself because you're not changing 5 habits at once.. good luck!
  • winter_vixen
    winter_vixen Posts: 27 Member
    I definitely agree with Hooah_mj.

    If you log everything ahead of time, you can see if you'll go over. If you are going to go over but you really want the food, make an agreement with yourself to do extra exercise to work it off. Maybe even carry around a Calorie Counter booklet? That way any hidden calories in food.. aren't so hidden anymore! :)

    You need to get into the right mindset, and understand that this really is the best thing for you, it'll become so much easier. You've just got to remember your reasons of why you're doing this, and ask yourself "Is eating this/doing this going to help me achieve my goals? Or will it make it harder?". Hopefully that helps!
  • wheats81
    I was 261 and I broke my hand last August. After being off work for 11.5 months I swelled up. I decided it was time for a change. I started waking up 45 mins earlier and doing cardio. I walk, bike, and run when weather permits. As far as dieting I just cut back portions and I log everything I eat. If I go over I do t get disappointed, I just tell myself I need to climb more steps at work. Its a hard road but now that I have started I don't feel like I could ever go back to the old me. Now I am 197 lbs, smallest I have been since I can remember. Good luck and if you need help I can tell you what I have done. One thing I have learned it don't try and loose it all now. Take it slow and it will stay off longer.
  • lucysposaro
    lucysposaro Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks everyone once i learn to train my brain the right way i should be ok but then again this was only my firat real week of starting right but this week when i have been entering my food in etc i get tk see what has high calories that i dident know of before that i would usually eat.So now i know not to eat those type of foods and go from there and also because im used to eat really filling meals that prob arnt good for me i get hunger pains easier and there really anoying so ill need to learn to avoid them to so i can eat smaller amounts.