Settings... 1 lb. 1.5 lb. 2 lb. What should I set it on?

Ok... any advice on calorie intake? I have tried to stay under my calories with also hitting a net calorie of 1200 which is a little hard at times. Who has their settings on just 1 lb per week? I want to lose around sixty more pounds. I have lost 15 lbs. so far, but it seems like I am hungry more than not.


  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    Have been doing this since October. I've got MFP set to lose 1 lbs. per week, with a 1540 daily calorie goal. I've lost 7 lbs. and most days I'm pretty good on my hunger level if I drink my 8+ glasses of water. Good luck!
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    If you're hungry all the time, you ought to consider eating more. Your TDEE is going to be dependent upon your height/weight/age/sex, so I'm assuming you've set up MFP to 1lb loss and it's telling you 1200 calories? Why not drop it to .5lb per week. What is the rush?
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Sis-in-law has hers set at 1/2 lb per week and has lost about 5lbs per month in 3 months. I think she is up to 17lbs total.

    Also, don't forget about your exercise calories. If you exercise, let's say it gives you an additional 300 calories, that's 1,500 you can eat for that day...

    Play with the Settings and see which works for you. Of course if you're hungry you'll be defeating the purpose. You shouldn't feel deprived. 1/2 per week works. As long as you're getting results that's what matters.
  • Thanks! I had it set on 1.5 lb and I changed it to 1 lb. But it jumped me to 1950 cal a day. I don't even think I can eat that much usually especially with my added 300 to 400 exercise calories. We will see though. :) Fingers crossed and no rush don't want to have it come back after all not a diet, a lifestyle change :)
  • VRuff
    VRuff Posts: 49 Member
    i have mine set on 2 lbs per week and 1200 cals a day. i honestly havent had hungry days since i started 5 weeks ago. i snack alot, so what i do is snack on things that give me more "bang for my buck", i.e. 14 baby carrots with 2 tbsp of humus, which is only 105 cals. it fills you up and it keeps you under your calorie limit. i also cut out calories from beverages so i can eat them instead of drink them. so its mostly water for me with the occasional diet coke during the week. so far ive lost 15 pounds in 5 weeks so it seems to work. just treat your calories like cash, and you'll see how careful you become about what you eat :):happy: