MFP predictions?

I see each time I complete my diary how much I will weigh in five weeks. The number is obviously always a bit different. Since I haven't been doing this for five weeks, I'm curious. Have you found the MFP predictions to be true?


  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    i only wish!
  • I'm still not sure what crystal ball MFP is looking at when it comes up with the weight loss estimate but so far it's hasn't been close! Of course, that doesn't mean I'm giving up either! It just means that I don't pay attention to that particular crystal ball! :-)
  • VAMommyAgain
    VAMommyAgain Posts: 400 Member
    Good question!
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    It can be if you are consistent
  • Aaloo79
    Aaloo79 Posts: 105
    I guess, The prediction "as it says as well" is only based on todays food diary as it says if everyday was like today.....
  • thop123
    thop123 Posts: 65 Member
    If everyday is like that day then it should work, but everyday isnt the same. Its hard to do the exact same thing every week but if your noticing every week that your prediction in 5wks is less and less then you know its working.
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    When I first join MFP it was always right:laugh: , sadly now it just lies:sad:
  • MFP's "Five week prediction" is like the proverbial carrot on a stick.....sadly, when I never catch the carrot I find myself emo nomming on a SNICKERS !!! :laugh:
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I'll know by Christmas - I should be a whippet by then ( it it can be believed).
  • The 5 week prediction is a very simple measurement using "if you ate exactly what you ate today, and exercise exactly the same as you did today" and did that every day for the next 35 days.

    It only uses your stuff from today, so it doesn't ever get smarter as you go along.
  • If everyday is like that day then it should work, but everyday isnt the same. Its hard to do the exact same thing every week but if your noticing every week that your prediction in 5wks is less and less then you know its working.

    I like this!
  • fitnoflab
    fitnoflab Posts: 90 Member
    Just started. I'll write down the prediction in my calender and let you know in five weeks:)
  • Andylee63
    Andylee63 Posts: 154 Member
    I don't bother looking at my predictions..
    I don't even care when the message about not eating enough comes up.

    Lets face it, why would I want to eat another 500 calories if I have just burned 500cals :noway:
    I wanna lose weight, not keep it.... :cry:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Just started. I'll write down the prediction in my calender and let you know in five weeks:)

    Good, someone who is going to investigate this. Let us know what happens.
  • spacevulture
    spacevulture Posts: 34 Member
    Just started. I'll write down the prediction in my calender and let you know in five weeks:)

    Great idea! I'll try to remember to report back too :D You should make this a mass experiment to make the results valid.
  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    Predictions are just that... If you do everything identical for 5 weeks (how boring is that) then you should be where it says. I am usually a little bit ahead of what it says unless I have a really bad day. I just aim for losing about 1 pound per week and only weigh in once a week.
  • NGMama
    NGMama Posts: 384 Member
    Thanks everyone! I really couldn't wait five weeks to know the answer! :laugh:
  • As it turns out, exactly 5 weeks ago today was when I started MFP. So I went to go look.

    On that day I weighed 179 and it told me "in 5 weeks, I would weigh 183". Well, today I weigh 165. The 5 week estimate stinks :)
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I see each time I complete my diary how much I will weigh in five weeks. The number is obviously always a bit different. Since I haven't been doing this for five weeks, I'm curious. Have you found the MFP predictions to be true?

    For the most part, yes. I used that number to fine tune the percentage of exercise calories I ate back, so I stayed pretty close to it most of the time. Of course the predictions were way off on days when I ate significantly more or less than average.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    It's just based on a calculation (1 lb = 3500 calories) and if you burn, for example, 500 calories per day, you would lose 1 lb per week. Therefore in 5 weeks, if every day was like that day, you would have lost 5 lbs. It just recalculates every day based on how many calories you burned.

    I think it's just a tool to help you stay on track. Not very accurate at all.