
ok everyone says to measure yourself and not just relay on the scales correct, so i have been doing so. but i fond each time i will get a different measurement as each time the tape will lay in a different spot even though it's around the correct usually spot. As i move it a bit then i see a difference but was that where the "original" measurement took place? who knows.... how does one know the exact spot they took a measurement from one week to the next? the only one i get accurate is my waist b/c it's the smallest spot and the tape just nuzzles in that spot easily.... my hips arn't too bed but i can't get a accurate reading on my belly at all ever? eg) this am i measured my belly, one reading was the same then i re adjusted the tape and looked in the mirror to make sure i though it was straight, etc and it was less but where was the original measurement taken? was that the correct spot? so have i lost a bit or not? so confused. I looked online to see what it shows as proper areas but on my curves it just doesn't seem to stay in that " proper" area each time? what do you guys do about measurements on curves?


  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    I don't know if you have freckles, but that's what I do. I look for a specific freckle or light/dark spot and measure from there. You could also measure down from your belly button a couple inches and start there everytime.
  • rikorb
    rikorb Posts: 51 Member
    I've been wondering this myself coz the worst area for me is my tummy, do you suck it in or let it all hang out. My arm and leg are the easiest because I have a freckle on both my arm and leg and I just put the tape measure on roughly the same spot
  • pirate4hire
    Since my stomach is one of the problem areas I've just been measuring at the navel (widest place and hard to miss). Always a good one to include in the measurements.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i don't suck it in at all... i find that at the navel is the hardest spot for me to get accurate reading b/c that is where i have the most curves on the side and the tape sides up and down a bit as i slide it across to "get it in place".....