Running, Hip Pain, and Yoga

I have been running consistently for the last 4 years and developed plantar fasciitis last fall. I was stubborn and did not take time off and started having pain in the opposite hip (left foot, right hip). Now, the plantar fasciitis is gone but the hip pain continues. I was thinking maybe it was just a tight hip flexor and started a yoga program 2 weeks ago but the pain now is worse. I don't think it is ITB syndrome because the pain is localized right over my hip bone and does not go down the side of my leg. At first, the pain was most noticeable when I got up from sitting but now it is when I sit, stand, walk, run, etc. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm relatively new to yoga but I'm wondering if the addition of yoga aggravated it? Thanks!


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Hard to tell. Where are you taking yoga? How experienced is the teacher?

    You say the pain is over your hip bone, where is that exactly? Do you mean the point where the femur meets the pelvis?

    My suggestion is to ask your teacher what is going on, if the teacher is experienced (I would call 20 years of practice experienced). If not, find another teacher.
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    This is more a question for your doctor, not your yoga teacher. It could be mild tendinitis. It also could be "female related". Sometimes ovarian pain radiates out to the hip area. It also could be pain from a lodged kidney stone "crystal" in the ureter, arthritis, a number of things. A yoga instructor would not be able to diagnose any problems such as this, nor should I or anyone else on this site.

    Go to your doctor.
  • lsunderl
    I had lots of running related problems in my hips - it ended up being a lack of muscle within my core/hips. I went to physiotherapy for a month a couple times a week and they had me doing all sorts of exercise to strengthen them. This was AFTER a full summer with a chiropractor who fortunately did wonders for my back but we could never figure out my hip problem. Good luck
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I have a strange pain right over the top of my hip near where you would put you hands if you were putting your hands on your "hips" (near your waist) Not where your femur connects to your pelvis, which is where the hip is. Did you mean there? Its a mystery to me too.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Yes, I have had front hip pain where you suggest. There is a muscle there called the TFL, (it has a latin name I can never remember). Anyway, It can get VERY tight from running and it is almost impossible to stretch out by yourself because of where it's located. I see a chiropractor for it, (among other things) and he has helped tremendously. I also use the foam roller and roll right on top of it. I believe you should definitely see a doctor, my recommendation would be a chiro that performs ART, (google ART, it's amazing) and specializes in sports & athletes.

    Also, it is possible to have ITB without pain going down your leg. It could very well stay in your hips. One thing I have learned since I started running; a lifetime of body mechanics means we don't all present symptoms in the same way.

    Good luck!
  • brooklyn70
    brooklyn70 Posts: 2 Member
    I've had the same recurring pain which radiates from my hip down the side of my leg to my knee. I am also a distance runner who averages 30-40 miles a week. I went to a physical therapist who explained that the pain I was experiencing was a result of a tight IT band. I would suggest looking online for self-massage techniques and also investing in a foam roller. The massage and rolling along the band is REALLY painful but you will notice that it works in the end. Try these things and if they don't work then I would strongly suggest you go to a doctor just to make sure you aren't injured.