feeling frustrated

I haven't found time to workout much the past 2 weeks and It's getting me down. Been so busy with Christmas, my boys' birthdays, and both the hubby and I have been working extra. I haven't gained any weight which is awesome considering I haven't been doing a good job tracking things either. Usually by 6-7pm when I can workout I'm just so exhausted. What is everyone else doing to fit workouts in with an extra busy schedule?


  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    I haven't found time to workout much the past 2 weeks and It's getting me down. Been so busy with Christmas, my boys' birthdays, and both the hubby and I have been working extra. I haven't gained any weight which is awesome considering I haven't been doing a good job tracking things either. Usually by 6-7pm when I can workout I'm just so exhausted. What is everyone else doing to fit workouts in with an extra busy schedule?

    Wake up earlier and go to the gym, getting some exercise will not only help with your mood but you will soon get used to a routine and won't be able to go without it.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Either wake up earlier and do your work out, or just work through the exhaustion at night and do it then. I work a crazy full-time job, deal with all sorts of family stresses and my workout time (usually at 8 or 9 PM) is the highlight of my whole day. I literally look forward to it all day, it's my time to get away from all the stress. I've found that working out surprisingly really wakes you up. So if you're tired, just go workout anyway or at least give your workout a try and see how you feel.
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    I can't go the gym in the morning cuz right now my husband leaves for work at 4am and we have 2 young kids. I work from home with the kids and right now I am putting in 12-14 hours a day. I tried getting up early to run on the treadmill in the basement, but by the time noon came around I was falling alseep. I just need to do it at night I suppose or while the kids nap, but my older one doesn't nap long anymore. Next week will be a little easier since this is my last week of volleyball on Tues nights and my son's last week of basketball on Thurs nights.
  • Beeazlebub
    Hey, it's the Holidays. Take it easy, New Years is just around the corner.
  • tiare31
    tiare31 Posts: 6 Member
    You should get the Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30. It is a 20 minute workout that you do right in your living room. Since you work from home, and they nap, you would have no excuse to not do this. Also, if you literally can't find a chunk of undistracted time to workout, at least get up every hour and run your stairs if you have them, like up and down 3 times, or stand and do 3 sets of 35 jumping jacks. Just get up and move and you'll be all good! Really it's about making up your mind to just do it and fit it in wherever as opposed to finding every excuse to sit and not do it. If you want it, you'll do it!
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I've been extremely busy on the weekends, I get a good 15 minutes doing a quick cardio burn, or lifting weights. Try squats in between your errands, wall pushup's while making dinner. You can add any quick workout into your day.
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    i take 10 minutes at different times during the day just to move around and do something thats not work related or things at home related.
  • KyleGA
    KyleGA Posts: 309 Member
    The only time I have during the day where I can workout is in the evening. I try to get it in some time around 8p or 9p. There's been times when I haven't been able to get it in until 10p or after. I chose to workout at home, due to my schedule...have you tried that?

    If it's important, you will find time...if not, you will find excuses.
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    do you have a video that maybe you and the son that doesnt nap can do together? my daughter is only 18 months and she will doing 30DS with me. Well she more just does her own thing, but still it keeps her occupied so i can get my work out in!
  • RosalindaP
    RosalindaP Posts: 31 Member
    First remind yourself how much effort you have already put in...look at how much weight you have lost! Give yourself credit for what you have already accomplished! Next make the time! I feel you because I have the same issue, by the time the kids are in bed I am ready to collapse. So maybe you have no choice but doing the exercise before they get up in the morning, then if you are feeling sleepy mid-day while they nap catch yourself a little cat nap...remember you are not being lazy, you earned it. As long as you go to sleep at a good time your body will soon adjust to the new wake-up call and it will get easier.

    Do you have a video game system? If you do the Wii and Xbox Kinect both have fitness games that are also fun and you can do along side your children. They will have fun mimicing you and you will be getting in the exercise you need. As someone else stated before me...it is all about getting your mind set to do it and then DO IT! You have come this far so you know it can be done.

    The other thing is to remember the holidays will be over soon and you will soon be back to your "normal" life...whatever "normal" means to you.
  • brybre0413
    brybre0413 Posts: 212 Member
    u can U-tube videos that are like 10 minutes each.....there are all sorts like turbo jam. 10 minutes at a time is better than nothing!
  • stef_3
    stef_3 Posts: 173
    I do have the 30DS and Ripped in 30 and have just recently finished both. I did the 30DS in Sept/Oct and Ripped in 30 in Oct/Nov. I've been trying to get more cardio in though. I do run up and down steps quite a bit throughout the day since I work from my basement maybe that's why I haven't gained. I know once the holidays are over things will go back to normal and I seriously can't wait. My husband went to working a 40-50 week to a 70-80 so I have to get my work done on top of having my kids driving me crazy while doing it all day. I'm mentally exhausted or going crazy. Tues night when I have v-ball I do go early and run the track but that night has been the only day I've gotten a workout in the past 2 weeks.. I need to check out these 10 min videos everyone is talking about just to give me a burst of energy. Thanks everyone

    And for those of you that are assuming I'm being lazy and just making excuses, I will assume you're either a male and don't have to deal with your kids all day or a female with no kids. I have a screaming, teething, sick 2 year old that wants attention while I need to get my work done. I would love to leave to go workout TRUST ME. I'm not one of those people that dread working out I love doing it which is why I'm feeling so frustrated.