Last chance for health (Milwaukee, WI)

Hi all, my name's Craig, I was born and raised in England and now I live in Milwaukee, WI.

I've been battling with my weight my whole life. This morning I weighed in at 268lbs - the heaviest I've ever been.

I'm closing in fast on 37 years old. I have high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. I'm hyper-aware I'm roaming in heart attack and stroke territory and I feel like time is running out for me to get some semblance of health back.

The pattern of my weight loss and gain is this: I usually have very focused (and what you might call successful) diets. I may lose 15-30lbs, feel great, think I've conquered it once and for all etc. But inevitably I slip back into old habits and put the weight back on. I'm now aware that this whole process has to be about changing habits for life, not just focused periods of weight loss... but it's oh so hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

I'm an emotional eater. Especially when I'm bored. The physical or hunger aspects of weight loss regimes aren't my problem. My brain is my problem. I get bored and I eat. I get stressed and I eat. I get sad and I eat. All the time I tell myself, tomorrow will be better, tomorrow I'll try harder, tomorrow I'll succeed in changing these habits.

But I'm afraid I'm running out of tomorrows.

I hope to find friends in this community who might be able to offer some inspiration and support. I'm looking forward to meeting you all!


  • Dude!!! You sould just like me!!! I'm 45yrs old......I was borderline diabetic......4 years ago i weighed 256 then I did something about it and walked my way to 190.......I was in an accident a little over a year ago and I havent been motivated at all!! I weighed 250 this morning....we can do this together if you like......I'll send a friend request.......My name is Lee
  • lildeer1
    lildeer1 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Craig! You can do it :-)
  • lildeer1
    lildeer1 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in MIlwaukee too! It's rough with winter and motivating one's self to get out and about!
  • JasonGinMI
    JasonGinMI Posts: 40 Member
    You can do it! This website works great! Add me as a friend if you want.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Good to see other folks in Milwaukee! if anyone else is local or not local but has similar goals to me (70+ lbs to lose), please feel free to add!
  • HI im new to this so im not sure if this is going to work. I am 23 years old living in hawaii. I am an army wife and im looking to meet new people and share stories. I am currently enrolled in the bariactric group for the lap band sugary. i have not decided if im going to go threw with it but i do have to threw alot of steps before i can get it. If youd like to add me please do i need more support!!
  • Craig, that's me my friend. Heaviest I weighed was 360. I'm 281 now and hope to lose much more. I have a problem with eating when I'm bored and giving in to the devil on my shoulder far too often. I have a chronic heart condition, gout, and flirted with diabetes. My father died from it. I'm 36 and it's time for me to take control. I had to start treating this like an addiction. It's going to be a lifelong battle and I must be vigilant. We can do it!

    More importantly, you can do it!