350lb, 35 yrs old

Hi, I am a 35 yr old mum of 6. I am 350 lbs, around 25 stone, at 5ft 4ins. I am starting to have trouble with my breathing, and pains in my left arm, I am really worried about my health, but am struggling to find motivation to lose the weight, I can start out well, but a busy day, or feeling hungry can wreck it for a few days.
I try to exercise when I can, at this time of year, it is not easy, gyms are a no no as they cost too much.
Is anyone else in this position, can anyone offer some advice or support, anything would be appreciated.


  • wolfeben
    I keep fiber fruits and veggies out in open so when I am hungry, I will eat those. And it isn't always about taste, just filling up. So I was hungry after breakfast. So I literally filled my mouth with blackberries and chewed abd swallowed them down with water. Did it twice. Feel full. Plus the fiber helps keep me regular. I use raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, bluberries, broccoli, carrots and apples. Since I started doing this for all snacks and breafast I have lost 10 lbs. Good luck!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I can definitely relate to not being able to find motivation all the time and the gym really is a lot of money. I've found it helpful to do things that don't feel like exercise (ie really dancing around the house to your favourite music....5 or 6 awesome songs is about 25 minutes! It doesn't matter if you're not good at dancing, it's your own house!) Walking has been hugely helpful and is free. Also, it's kind of funny, but incorporating some of this lady's cleaning techniques (she exercises while she cleans...and hey you have to clean anyways) http://www.cleanmomma.com/

    You can absolutely do it, just look at your 6 little ones for motivation!
  • christ4life63
    christ4life63 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi Mummy. I'm also over weight, Ive lost 12 lbs in 1 month, and for me to loose weight, I have to be determine, and mentally ready to loose weight, it is hard especially the Holidays, but I'm tired of being obese and having a hard time doing certain things, I said enough now, my health is important and im 48 years old, so I walk everyday now even if its for 20-30 minutes, take your kids for a nice walk. Yes the Gyn is expensive, thats why you could use a can of soup for each hand and use them as weights, any cans that have the some weight for each hands.
    I also pray to GOD to please help me through this and he has.
    I only ear breakfast bar, Super K bar. squash. Boneless chicken. Lowfat cottage cheese, lots of water.
    I know you could do it, believe in yourself. I hope i was able to help you a little bit.
    Happy Holidays to you and your family :smile:
  • ANewMaria2014
    ANewMaria2014 Posts: 104 Member
    There are lots of thing you can do at home and they don't require a gym membership, you can walk around the track and take the kiddos with you also there lots of excercises you can do using things you have at home. You have already taken the first step which was joining MFP! Before you are going to eat something and you are not sure how many calories it contains plug it in, that is what I do and when I see that it is a lot it deters me from eating it and I opt for something healthier. You would be amazed at how much you can eat and how good some of the food are that are healthier for you. Start making small suttle changes, like buying 1%milk instead of whole, cooking spray, or extra virgin olive oil, if you must use oil. Use ground turkey breast instead of ground meat, little things like that to start. Try eating more veggies and fruits and throw out all processed food and try to keep from buying them. I hope that I have helped in some way and feel free to add me as a friend if you wish. Good luck on your journey and know that you have the strength to accomplish anything and getting healthy is super important so that you can be around for many many years for your babies!
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    Hi, I am a 35 yr old mum of 6. I am 350 lbs, around 25 stone, at 5ft 4ins. I am starting to have trouble with my breathing, and pains in my left arm, I am really worried about my health, but am struggling to find motivation to lose the weight, I can start out well, but a busy day, or feeling hungry can wreck it for a few days.
    I try to exercise when I can, at this time of year, it is not easy, gyms are a no no as they cost too much.
    Is anyone else in this position, can anyone offer some advice or support, anything would be appreciated.

    First off i'm not a doctor, but you need to see one. Arm pain and trouble breathing could be any number of things and all of them dangerous. Second off Rice, oatmeal, and baked potatoes w/skin can give you a lasting feeling of fullness without too many cals in small portions though. At your starting size, i would suggest light resistance exercise so you don't injure your joints like walking or swimming exercise. You have to work your way up to exercising and listen to your body. If something hurts stop. Third off We all have trouble at times with motivation, if you need a kick in the pants occasionally post and MFP'rs will give it to you. Being comfortable in your body is wonderful motivation for me, so is that relaxed tired feeling after a good workout. And the fact that when i exercise on a regular basis i don't get as depressed and withdrawn as when i don't exercise. And i just plain feel better and am a nicer person. You can do this! And MFP is the perfect place to start because the people on here are awesome as a support group.
  • mummyhardy
    Thanks all, great to know there is support out there, keep it coming please, every comment counts.
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    Hi, I am a 35 yr old mum of 6. I am 350 lbs, around 25 stone, at 5ft 4ins. I am starting to have trouble with my breathing, and pains in my left arm, I am really worried about my health, but am struggling to find motivation to lose the weight, I can start out well, but a busy day, or feeling hungry can wreck it for a few days.
    I try to exercise when I can, at this time of year, it is not easy, gyms are a no no as they cost too much.
    Is anyone else in this position, can anyone offer some advice or support, anything would be appreciated.

    First off i'm not a doctor, but you need to see one. Arm pain and trouble breathing could be any number of things and all of them dangerous. Second off Rice, oatmeal, and baked potatoes w/skin can give you a lasting feeling of fullness without too many cals in small portions though. At your starting size, i would suggest light resistance exercise so you don't injure your joints like walking or swimming exercise. You have to work your way up to exercising and listen to your body. If something hurts stop. Third off We all have trouble at times with motivation, if you need a kick in the pants occasionally post and MFP'rs will give it to you. Being comfortable in your body is wonderful motivation for me, so is that relaxed tired feeling after a good workout. And the fact that when i exercise on a regular basis i don't get as depressed and withdrawn as when i don't exercise. And i just plain feel better and am a nicer person. You can do this! And MFP is the perfect place to start because the people on here are awesome as a support group.

    edit: sorry missed the mom of 6 line, get them involved as well they can help with your motivation.
  • mummyhardy
    Thanks for your reply, I have seen the doctor, her advice was to just keep going and it was nothing to worry about.
    When I do get out waking, I really enjoy it, it is a bit weather permitting though. I used to go to the gym before I had my last 2 children, I would spend an hour there doing different cardio exercises, I came out feeling really good about myself, I miss being able to go, but I am wary of the prices, and a bit shy about my size, I have been thinking of aqua aerobics. I have a multigym at home, but don't really know what to do, and how much etc.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Thanks for your reply, I have seen the doctor, her advice was to just keep going and it was nothing to worry about.
    When I do get out waking, I really enjoy it, it is a bit weather permitting though. I used to go to the gym before I had my last 2 children, I would spend an hour there doing different cardio exercises, I came out feeling really good about myself, I miss being able to go, but I am wary of the prices, and a bit shy about my size, I have been thinking of aqua aerobics. I have a multigym at home, but don't really know what to do, and how much etc.

    Aqua aerobics is a brilliant excercise. If you can do it twice a week you will notice a difference. You can burn a ton of calories without breaking a sweat, it is fun and you can make friends, do give it a go. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks don't be self conscious you are doing this for your health and your children so just go for it. Good luck with your journey.
  • rentrikin
    rentrikin Posts: 104 Member
    Hi! Good for you that joined MFP. You will find so much support and wisdom here. I feel for you. It is soo hard to get motivated and to stick with this but you absolutely can do it. For me, the number one thing is changing what I eat. I still need to tweak it a bit but sticking to lean meats, whole grains and vegetables/fruits has been the biggest thing in my weight loss. I try not to eat any junk although I dont always succeed. The next big thing for me is an attitude change. If I eat a fast food sansdwich for lunch I dont just throw in the towel and say " Ok I blew it so let me pig out for dinner" I just calculate it into my calories and eat even healthier for dinner. I don't go to a gym either. I don't want to be bothered with driving somewhere and paying someone for what I can do at home. I have been doing the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 dvd. Now it is really hard but I feel great for having completed it and am still going to use it because it is such a work out. I also have used Leslie Sansone Dvd . She just does walking and some variations to it. You can get the one for 5 miles. Then you can do 1 mile or more.. however you feel of whatever your level of activity is. Just dont give up. There are so many people of this site that have weighed what you weigh and have lost it. You can do it; If you want, feel free to befriend me. Rhonda