Police Officers

Hey any Police Officers on here? Just wondering if you love your job or not? What are some pros and cons to your place of work?


  • bf41382
    bf41382 Posts: 51
    Loved it at first, Like it now that the novelty has worn off. Pros are the relationships b/w your coworkers and truely getting to help someone who needs it. Cons are the politics at the top and those few who make all of us look bad.
  • trooper605
    trooper605 Posts: 31 Member
    Love the job....its the politics that kill ya. This job is 95% boredom, 3% adrinalin rush and 2% sheer terror. I've made some of the best friends and worst enemies I've ever known. If you are looking into getting into this business....do a ride-a-long.

    Pros: Relationships you build with coworkers

    Cons: The politics....
  • GTaylor615
    GTaylor615 Posts: 17 Member
    Couldn't have said it better myself
  • stampede55
    Funny....on my ride home from work today I was seriously debating a career change from my cubicle nightmare. Politics are a b*tch though.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I'm not police officer but my dad, uncle, cousins, and ex-husband are/were police officers.

    Pros: I should have had several tickets in my life but haven't.

    Cons: My father knew what I had done before I ever got home. People were always beating on the door asking us to help them out of tickets/dui's. Strangers in the grocery store would stare us down. One guy even assaulted me at the bar because my ex had given him a dui. LOTS of job baggage that most of them don't want to discuss with their families. Oh yeah...and the divorce rate isn't the best. I think the odds are probably better if you meet and marry them AFTER they are already a cop because all the ones I know change quite a bit from the job.

    It's a crap job that someone has to do and I'm glad they do it but I don't want my kids doing it!
  • stampede55
    Nice input. Thanks for that :drinker:

    It has to be a taxing job. Emotionally and physically. Nice to hear a different perspective.
  • jazzdspazz
    jazzdspazz Posts: 137 Member
    I hate my job, I thought it was gonna be awsome when i was a kid and i was gonna help people and give back to the community, but none of that happend, so I'm making a career change to teaching, that might be better.
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    pros: a cop who ACTUALLY cares about doing a good job.

    cons: a cop who spends his time being a doucher and harassing the local bums or giving me a ticket because i didnt put my seat belt on at the pump as i drove off. apparently you cant buckle up at the stop sign. sigh. oh and the cop who gave me a ticket bc i thought i had a month to change my dl address when i moved and apparently it was only 10 days.

    there was the nice cop who actually helped me out though when the drunk guy at the bar tried to follow me home.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I'm not a cop but I do supply them with equipment and such. Its a hard thankless job and I admire them for what they do. I've noticed a lot of my guys lose their idealism as the years go by. There is a lot of douchebaggery that comes down from the gold badges at the top and on top of that, the community either criticizes cuz they do "too much" or they b itch cuz they "don't do enough". You should all take the time to thank them for what they do.
  • stampede55
    pros: a cop who ACTUALLY cares about doing a good job.

    cons: a cop who spends his time being a doucher and harassing the local bums or giving me a ticket because i didnt put my seat belt on at the pump as i drove off. apparently you cant buckle up at the stop sign. sigh. oh and the cop who gave me a ticket bc i thought i had a month to change my dl address when i moved and apparently it was only 10 days.

    there was the nice cop who actually helped me out though when the drunk guy at the bar tried to follow me home.

    I've been in trouble and I deserved it. Cops have a thankless job. Show respect and it will be shown to you.
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    pros: a cop who ACTUALLY cares about doing a good job.

    cons: a cop who spends his time being a doucher and harassing the local bums or giving me a ticket because i didnt put my seat belt on at the pump as i drove off. apparently you cant buckle up at the stop sign. sigh. oh and the cop who gave me a ticket bc i thought i had a month to change my dl address when i moved and apparently it was only 10 days.

    there was the nice cop who actually helped me out though when the drunk guy at the bar tried to follow me home.

    I've been in trouble and I deserved it. Cops have a thankless job. Show respect and it will be shown to you.

    no idea what qft is, but i actually don't have a lack of respect for cops. like i said, cops who care. where i am from they dont seem to care much and they are very mean and never want to help! just speaking for real! i was very upset when i asked a cop to help me in the parking lot at publix at 9pm when i got locked out of my car with a 2 year old and he said he couldn't help me. there was also the cop in my neighborhood who smoked weed and the cop i knew who drank at the bar with us and underage girls and then liked to sleep with them.

    i swear im not making it up, i just haven't really had any good experiences. then again, i am from south florida. maybe its different in other parts?
  • stampede55
    QFT - quit f'n trolling

    Your post came off as an attempt to bash cops. This thread wasn't started for that purpose.
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    QFT - quit f'n trolling

    Your post came off as an attempt to bash cops. This thread wasn't started for that purpose.

    no, not my intention. i did say pros were cops who care. and i did say there was a cop who helped me once! i do have faith in them, i just wish the majority were that way!

    i've never been an offender or anything, never been arrested or done anything "bad" really. that's why i just don't get it!
  • interceptor0011
    As a police officer, I am pleasantly surprised with the many words of support from this post. Its rare and more needed than you think. thanks :-) Feel free to add me.
  • zyle
    zyle Posts: 34
    Cherish my Job can't think of doing anything else, yes it's quite political, but once I go 10-41 and its just me and the public I put all that behind me for a bit, and enjoy The Greatest Show on Earth......
  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203
    i've never been an offender or anything, never been arrested or done anything "bad" really. that's why i just don't get it!

    Police officers have no idea who you are. They don't know that you're a 'good' person. They do know that you didn't put your seatbelt on before you started driving.

    I would imagine police officers have to start out assuming the worst, to some extent. That seems like a tough thing to me. Not doing that might make for a short life span.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I'm not a cop, but my father was one. He was both uniform and undercover narcotics. From a family perspective, it was hard because when he was undercover you sometimes didn't know where he was or when he was coming home (and as a kid, you worried that it was "if" he was coming home.) The hours--my dad worked every holiday he could for the extra pay. People who are cops have talked about the friendships--I can second that. Our neighborhood was full of cops, we bbq'd at each others' homes, we children grew up together. And when someone who obviously was unfamiliar with our neighborhood broke into our house, we had a squad of cops who collected evidence and caught the guy. As a teenager, my dad knew the driving record and history of every date I ever had. And, when my dad died, some of his old police buddies came for the funeral--we live 1,500 miles away. Those friendships can be life long.
  • 81Kyra
    81Kyra Posts: 115
    My dad was a fire fighter(also in the Air Force and Army) not exactly the same I know, but just wanted to say thanks, I have a lot of respect for them and military... Oh yes and my Brother-in-law has been trying to become a cop for awhile he's applied to 35 cities and has a final interview for Sacramento so wish him luck please :)
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    My husb is law enforcement (not local PD) but works with local PD a lot.

    Theirs is a thankless, sometimes heartbreaking job.

    Thank you to all of you who try to keep your communities safe and put yourselves in harms way for strangers.
  • wilkerson
    yes i have been in law enforcement for 6 years and i love my job. It can be very stressfull at times but I enjoy the the part of helping people the most. I am also an EMT enhance which adds to the stress of things. Most people dont understand we have a job to just like anybody eles and im sure there are some people that let there badge go to their heads but not every cop is like that. We put our butts on the line everyday.