Police Officers



  • MrsRadder
    MrsRadder Posts: 207 Member
    I am a Firefighter/Medic and I think it's the same for everyone in public service... We love serving the public but hate the politics. Love helping people but some people make the job old. It makes you appreciate what you have and hate it when it's the job that keeps you awake at night.

    Thank you to all my brothers and sisters in the service, no matter what color your uniform is we are all in this together.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    My fiance is a corrections officer and police officer certified.
    He has been looking for a job for over two years as a police officer and has had no luck.
    With all the recent budget cuts, no experience, he is finding it hard.

    It is a lot of politics :(
    But those who are in it for the right reasons are wonderful :smile:
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    Oh police officers.... how they just hate me. lol. I always get the cops who've had a bad day sadly. If anyone is going to get a ticket, it will be me! (even got a ticket for using my cell on the side of the road).

    But that being said, we need police officers and most of what they do goes completely unrecognized and unthanked and they do a great job!
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    I am a Firefighter/Medic and I think it's the same for everyone in public service... We love serving the public but hate the politics. Love helping people but some people make the job old. It makes you appreciate what you have and hate it when it's the job that keeps you awake at night.

    Thank you to all my brothers and sisters in the service, no matter what color your uniform is we are all in this together.

    Completely agree --- politics SUCK!! I am a nurse, and the politics are just ridiculous. I've thought about leaving -- but I actually do love my job. And any other hospital will be the same thing (politic wise).
  • Horskrzy
    Horskrzy Posts: 71 Member
    .... and here's another point in support of Police Officers and their perceived lack of belief when your offering an "excuse". A co-workers MIL was pulled over by a Trooper for going 75 in a 40 zone. Besides speeding, she also was not properly buckled up and had an expired license. She and her husband were just finishing up a trip from S. Cal to Washington state and here's what she said in regards to each violation:

    - My husband is the one who always drives but he's sick. I rarely drive so I had no idea how fast I was going.

    - I have some medical related breast issues so I can't wear the seat belt across my chest, it hurts to much.

    - We were in California when my license expired.

    The Trooper had to be in a good mood because he let her off with a warning on all three counts but made sure they didn't "get away" without any $$$ pain.

    He ticketed the husband for improper use of his seat belt as his seat had been inclined (he was feeling sick, remember?).

    Oh I wish I could have been in the back seat after the Trooper left to listen in on the ensuing conversation!!!! :laugh:
  • frenchprairiegirl
    frenchprairiegirl Posts: 173 Member
    I'm not an Officer but a Police Dispatcher. I have so much respect for the work that they do. I've always been interested in policing but I can't see myself carry a firearm so I chose the next best thing.
  • doliveresti
    doliveresti Posts: 29 Member
    thankful to them for saving me 3 times within a span of 5 years... although i know off some who are just not worth thanking ... i know of a cop who was punching her 7 year old son... i so wish i was there and i would have called her fellow cops on her... unfortunately they are humans too so lets not beat down on them... let us thank them for keeping our street safe ...
  • shiggyshane
    im not one but my cousin is a chp officer and we were just talking about the politics and really wasnt suprised at a few things he told me..I do worry about him though..lol funny thing is when i found out i congradulated him then told him you ever pull me over im gong to call your mother!! lol he told me he would call mines if i pulled him over lol..
  • mdleon33
    mdleon33 Posts: 2
    I have to agree with almost everyone here. First couple years were awesome, then novelty does kind of wear off...The mundane and routine are occasionally broken up by the ridiculous and dangerous. I'd say about 90% routine 10% exciting (I only give the 10% rating because I'm on swat or it would be more 98-2).

    All in all it is a rewarding career. You do genuinely get to help people who need it and also those who think they don't and those who have no idea you are helping them by busting your hump at 3:30 in the morning.

    It does suck that we are always second guessed and in the Bay Area we are generally hated.

    If you can get over the hatred of people as well as the dwindling pay and benefits, this is the job for you!

    I wouldn't want to do anything else.
  • burg1801
    burg1801 Posts: 124
    Question for the LEOs.

    Of the % of bad cops out there that you're aware of, how many of them actually last long enough to retire? And is it widely known amongst the department of which ones might be up to something?