I would like to hear from people who have lost then gained b

I'm not talking about playing with 15 lbs over and over... I am talking, you lost 50 or so... then had a stall that turned into a gainback of 15-20.

How do you get back your motivation? How do you not let that 15 lbs turn into 20, 30, then your whole loss down the drain only to find yourself starting all over. :(


  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    I lost 110lb 6 years ago, gained it all back plus some with pregnancy (WOOPS) and Ive lost 70lb of it since March. Only you have the power of giving yourself motivation to keep going. Motivation is different for every person. Putting a photo of your goal on the fridge works for some and looking at your kids faces and knowing getting healthy is for them (as well as yourself, of course) is a good one for others. You just KEEP GOING. you'll have set backs, you'll have plateaus. Change up your diet and your exercise routines and you keep going...
    Sorry I'm not of much help but... those are the things that keep me going.

    Oh, and don't deprive yoursel. You want a cookie? Have a cookie. Just don't eat the whole box :)
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I am starting over for the 3rd year in a row. I always seem to backslide this time of year. I have set myself a goal to maintain until mid january after a vacation then back on the wagon. I figure it is better than giving up altogether and gaining more through the holidays.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    In the past 13 years I have lost and gained 30 pounds 3 times. This is my 4th attempt at losing and this time I managed to make it 40 instead of 30. This will be the last time for me. I'm hoping. The motivation this time was either buy a new uniform belt for work and say f**k it or lose weight, buy a fun belt instead of one for work and be healthy!
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    I have lost 70lbs now twice and this is my 3rd time - both times I have got to the same weight then relaxed a bit then started having more and more treat days then more old bad habits returned.

    I realised that both times I thought of the health and fitness as something that I would need to do until I got healthy. This time I worked out what were my triggers for overeating and indulgence. I am not thinking of it as something I need to do until I get to healthyness or a certain size again - but something that will be with me for the rest of my life.

    I get a certain frame of mind in my head that keeps me going - I am lucky in that when I put my mind to something I am pretty unstoppable - and my head is in that space now. I had to do a bit of prep before I started on this lifestyle change such as clearing the decks in the house, getting it running more smoothly so that the demands of my life aren't barriers that mean its easier to reach for a high calorie option or push the gym to one side. I have worked hard to get all my ducks lined up to get back to it and I am so happy that I am finally back on track now.

    I have also set mysef small and large goals for my stops along the journey so that I always have more incentive to keep going rather than going back to the couch and the takeaway.

    sorry for the long post - but I think that's what you were asking? :)
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    A few years back my wife and I both lost a lot. I lost close to 40lbs, she lost nearly 60lbs. We thought we'd finally cracked it. If that old adage about it taking just 30 days to create new habits was true then we were home free - we stayed true on the course for at least 6 months together.

    Not sure what happened. We both gently slid off the wagon without even realizing it. I remember hitting a plateau and being quite frustrated at not having any weight loss for several weeks, maybe that is what started my derailment. My wife recalls that we went on vacation and that's where it started. Before we knew it, 2010 and 2011 were practically gone and we'd both not only regained the weight we lost but now we're both about 10lbs more than we were before.
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    My mom died and I didn't care anymore. Stuffing my face kept me able to not think about how awful I felt. I have very few memories of the first 4 months but I have the proof of 40 pounds.