Gallbladder Surgery

I am scheduled to have gallbladder surgery on December 28th. I have pushed it back a number of times in hopes that my gallbladder would miraculously heal itself...but it hasn't. I have tried natural cures and cleanses...and no success. Anyhow...I am wondering if anyone can tell me what to expect for recovery time....realistically. Like when can I start working out again? I am up to running 3+ miles at a time and I am scared this surgery is really going to throw off my stamina.


  • smcassaro
    smcassaro Posts: 123 Member
    I was back to work in one week & feeling pretty good after 4-5 days. I wasn't working out at the time, so I don't know how much time I would have needed, but it probably would have been about 3-4 weeks before I would have been able to do a serious workout.
  • slashkiss
    slashkiss Posts: 74 Member
    I just had mine taken out at the end of August this year. My pregnancy caused gall stones so there was no healing it just had to come out. I had it done 4 months after my C-Section to ensure that was all healed up before getting cut up again. So the gall bladder surgery was a breeze compared to the c-section. I had my surgery at about 7am and was home before noon. I just had jello and soup for dinner that day but started eating "normal" food the following day. I just kept things lighter for a few days. I was a bit sore but nothing that kept me from going up and down the stairs. My family wouldn't let me lift my baby for a week so they would just place her in my arms after I sat down. She was squirmy so she hurt my stitches more than anything by kicking me but again nothing too bad. I only took my pain meds for 2 days and then was tired of feeling itchy so I quit. Honestly it wasn't that bad except now I look like I lost a knife fight between the c-section and the 4 gall bladder scars.

    It was the best thing I did though. After going through 3 months of tip-toeing around eating too little fat or too much fat trying not to have another attack. I had to find the perfect balance and I would gladly deal with the incision pain over a 6hour gall bladder attack anyday!
  • nycko20
    I had gallbladder surgery 7 years ago. If I remember right I couldn't even laugh or sneeze for over a week and no major lifting or running for 4-6 weeks. It is a major surgery careful and play it safe. Let yourself heal! Good luck!
  • latinahada
    It's all going to depend on how your surgery goes and how your recovery process goes...If the surgeon is able to perform it as a lap procedure versus open, I believe most recommendations are no strenuous activity and no lifting over 25 pounds for 3 weeks, then you should have a check up & it will be determined by your surgeon if you're "good to go."
  • tattooedtwiin
    :flowerforyou: I was back up at full pace within a week...However it will depend on if they are able to do it laproscopy or not....With the laproscope it will be a lot faster recovery.
    Good luck to you!
  • Jlynb1109
    Jlynb1109 Posts: 84 Member
    I would definitely suggest talking to your surgeon about this as they would know best! I had mine out in May and was in rough shape for about 2 weeks - my husband had to help me out of bed in the morning and everything. I didn't really feel like myself for a while.

    Hope everything goes well!!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I'm not liking some of these replies lol...I have been having issues and have a consultation scheduled next week, hoping no surgery needed but don't think that is the case :( Good luck OP! Hope it goes well and you're up and running quickly!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Back to normal, for the most part, in 4 or 5 days. Exercise was about 2 weeks later, I believe.
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I am doctor said I could exercise as soon as I felt I could...and that I could be back to the gym in days to a week. Based on my conversations with people on and offline. I am realizing this is not reality for MOST people. Ugh...I just want to cry. All my running progress will be lost.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I had mine several years ago. I remember the first couple days were rough. I was so sore and uncomfortable. I wasn't allowed to pick up anything up for 2 weeks which was hard because I had a toddler and nothing over 20 lbs for a month. I felt pretty good around week 4 (kind over did it with picking up my son and my belly button felt real sore, so I backed off that).
    Definitely don't push yourself you could tear the incisions. I had laproscope.
  • kaetmarie
    kaetmarie Posts: 668 Member
    gah - i'm having gallbladder scans on the 27th. here's to a speedy recovery for you, OP!
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    When I had mine out like over 10 yrs ago it didn't take me out of work for longer than a week. Back then I wasn't into working out, I do know I was up and walking hopefully you can do some light activities.

    Abdominal surgery took me out for several months, atleast 6 when I finally felt able to get into a routine. It took me a year before I felt completely back to myself, darn anesthesia. Just remember each person is different so listen to your body, last thing you want is to cause more damage. Take Care
  • clpott04
    I had mine out laproscopically about 2 years ago. Recovery wasn't bad at all. If anything, I felt like I had done a major ab workout for maybe the next 3 days. Wasn't that bad..promise. At the time, I wasn't exercising regularly, so I'm not sure the time frame you can expect to get back into your workout mode.

    I wouldn't really worry about it, recovery was a breeze. And as far as food afterwards goes, I've never had a problem after I eat a fatty meal as I've heard a lot of people have. It's all individualized, but I can't imagine you'll have that much trouble. :)
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I had mine taken out a couple years ago.

    I was in the hospital longer before the surgery then I was after.
    They did laproscopy so there are only 4 little scars and they didnt even use stitches, they used that skin glue or whatever its medically called. I was completely fine as soon as I was home, just had to keep the cuts clean until they healed.

    The only thing I recommend is staying near a bathroom for awhile after your surgery until you figure out what your body will and will not tolerate. Your bowl movements will change rather drastically.

    Its nothing to fear.
    Good luck.
  • gaylelynnbell
    gaylelynnbell Posts: 248 Member
    I had mine out two years ago. Like the previous poster, I was in early in the morning, had surgery at 10am and was home by about 1 in the afternoon. That day I slept off the meds when I got home and was up and around looking for a can of soup that evening. My stitches were all done inside with self-dissolving thread and then super-glued on the surface. I was tender for a few days. When I went to the surgeon for my 2 week check-up, I was cleared to do whatever I wanted.

    I hope yours goes as well as mine did. Of course there is always the possibility of complications that can extend your recovery time, but I think that is a very small percentage these days. I now have 4 tiny scars are barely noticeable. The largest (about 1") is at my navel because I believe that is where they put the camera in and it's bigger that the other instruments they use.

    Good luck and hope you have a fast recovery!
  • lilidelafield
    lilidelafield Posts: 14 Member
    Hiya. I had keyhole surgery to remove my gallbladder eight years ago, and everything went fine. I was scared as anything beforehand, never having been to hospital before, but I was worried about nothing. I was sore for just a few days, and I was off work for three weeks, seeing as I have a pretty physical job, but never any problems. Talk to your doctors and go by how you feel. I guess it must be different for everyone. You may not be able to run or jog for about a month, but after a week or so you should be able to walk well enough and do VERY light tasks.....all the best with it! The result is worth the inconvenienience, believe me. No more being woken up at night with agonising stomach pains......blissss!
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    It's all going to depend on how your surgery goes and how your recovery process goes...If the surgeon is able to perform it as a lap procedure versus open

    Jeez, they better be doing a lap. I wasn't even aware they did the old remove your rib surgery (reference to the nasty scar the old surgery leaves)

    I had mine out when I 19. I know too, young, wrong sex yada, yada, yada... It was terrible. I was in tremendous pain before the surgery because my gallstones where being diagnosed as acid reflux and treated as such. Once they did an ultra sound the surgery was immediately scheduled.

    When you come to, expect to feel bloated like crazy. This is because they pump you full of CO2 so that they can move your organs around and get to that gall bladder (sits under your liver; you probably know all that though)

    Next, you are going to want to get up and use the rest room. This will be quite an experience the first time you stand as I remember specifically being able to tell that part of my insides were missing.

    I was ok within a day or two, but definitely not ready to do any kind of working out for a couple of weeks. Wasn't even supposed to drive for a week!

    All and all it completely sucked, but not being in severe pain anytime I consumed something with calories was a welcome trade-off.

    Hope your surgery and recovery time go well.

  • rac401
    If you have had gallbladder infections or pain from it bottom line is you need the gallbladder removed.

    If the gallbladder is removed by laproscopically (keyhole) and majority are, then you should need at least a week off work, 2 weeks at most. You can exercise gently as you are able but be sensible and listen to the aches and pains of your body. If you are just running that is far better than if you are doing weights and sit ups. If you are doing any toning exercising you shouldn't really be doing sit ups or weights that cause tension on the abdominal wall for about 3 to 4 weeks in order to prevent getting a hernia post-op.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    They wouldn't let me run or workout for 6 weeks after laproscopic removal in August.
    I just went for long walks.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I had mine out in July and kicked myself for postponing it!!
    I had it done the less invasive way and was out for two weeks.
    The worst pain was from them putting air into you to inflate everything inside. Had this AWFULLLL pain in my shoulder for TWO WEEKS. It normally only should last for a few days. But mine was longer. Ugh worst pain EVER.

    EDIT: my scars STILL friggin ITCH!!!!!!!