Starting goal for sit-ups?

I really need to work on getting rid of weight around my lower stomache (it just seems to be the least affected by my diet/ arms, thighs, and waist seem to be losing inches at a steady pace, but my lower stomache is just trailing behind). I want to start doing sit-ups, and I was wondering what a good goal is for a beginner (also keep in mind that I have somewhat of a bad back). Should I go for a "time" goal or a "set" goal? And how long/how many should I go/do? Thanks for any answers!


  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Sit ups are probably a bad idea if you have a bad back. Some folk think situps are bad entirely. Anyway, you lose weight all over your entire body. You can't target an area sadly.

    That said, you should definitely find core exercises that are safe for your back. I dont know your condition, but look into crunches to start, planks, etc...
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
    Planks are great for abs, belly fat is the last to go, you can't spot reduce.
  • runiechica
    runiechica Posts: 180 Member
    Yeah you can't spot tone (I wish we could for sure!) Just keep and it and the weight will come off. No idea if you have access to a gym, but there is a machine that works the abs and targets similar areas of you want to build strength in your abs (won't guarantee fat being lost there though!) and it was way easier on my back and crunches or sit ups are.