Is it bad to eat less than 1200 Calories??

Hi! I'm new to this and I was wondering, is it really bad to eat less than 1200 Calories a day? I am usually 100-300 Calories below what I should be..but at the end of the day I don't want to eat unhealthy just to make up for those extra 300 Calories! PLEASE HELP!! I also hardly make my protein and fat goals...


  • Demwitted
    If you really focused on trying to make the protein goal, your calorie goal would probably work itself out. Most high-protein foods (milk, cheese, nuts, meat, eggs) are also high in calories. There are also plenty of nutrient rich foods that give you calories. Many fruits, for example, are loaded with them. I bought some clementine cuties (which are EVERYWHERE around the holidays) and was really surprised when I input them how high calorie they were. You would not have to eat junk to get there.

    My rule is to try to get within 150 of my calorie goal, over or under. If your energy level is ok and you do not feel hungry or sick to your stomach, you are probably ok. But you do want to be careful not to under-eat. That is just as bad for you as over-eating.
  • penmosha
    penmosha Posts: 132 Member
    sounds like some pretty good advice from Demwitted. I try to get as close as I can and dont stress if its a couple of hundred either way. i try to eat most of my excercise cals. My rule is eat well and dont be hungry - but also try to ignore that"3pm I want a cookie" hunger - I know that for the demon it is, so I keep fruit or oatcakes handy, drink some water and THAT hunger passes. Other than that, I try to keep eating healthy and relatively high protein foods, loads of fruit and veg. Long steady weight loss over 6 months, and holding steady now with Xmas and will drop a bit more in the new year.*fingers crossed*
  • Dgaines54
    It really depends on your current height / weight on how good/bad it is for you. You can get the protein by eating boneless skinless grilled chicken breast, which is almost pure protein calories. Also, 100 is a lot better than 300. If you're trying to lose weight, try to get closer to 1200 and then exercise a little more to get the same net result.
  • healthyhelga
    Thanks so much everyone! I'm 5'2 and this morning i weighed myself at 135.9. I just started dieting last Tuesday at 140 and this seems like way too much too fast. I don't want to be unhealthy or anything!
  • pixiechick8321
    pixiechick8321 Posts: 284 Member
    It's better to try and be close to a goal number when loosing weight. If you find yourself going under, keep some greek yogurt and almonds in the house - both of these are really healthy and can get your numbers up with a small amount of food.

    Another quick, good thing to eat is a smoothie:
    1/2 cup milk
    1/2 cup fruit (or like, 1 banana)
    3-4 ice cubes (if you want)
    1 tsp honey


    You just started so give it a few weeks to find your likes and dislikes and then enjoy the journey, it's the rest of your life!
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    At your size it's totally fine :) Don't stress over 100-300 calories.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I'm 5'2 and this morning i weighed myself at 135.9. I just started dieting last Tuesday at 140 and this seems like way too much too fast. I don't want to be unhealthy or anything!

    Keep in mind you'll lose more initially. Don't worry, it WILL slow down (it's happened to all of us!).

    You do need to be careful about eating too low. Your body needs a certain amount of calories just to function (use the Tools section to calculate your BMR, which is the amount of calories you'd burn if you just laid in bed all day). Eating below that can cause serious health issues. If you are exercising, you need fuel for your body.

    I am 5'4", and I'm eating 1600 plus exercise calories (I make sure I don't net less than about 1400; my BMR is 1479). The pounds are still slowly coming off. Eating too little can actually cause you to hit a plateau that is hard to break.

    As pixiechick said, keep some nuts and yogurt in the house. You don't have to eat crap to get the extra calories. You could also allow yourself a treat sometimes, too; I like Skinny Cow ice cream bars and candy, as well as Snackwells cookies. They are in pre-measured packs of 100-150 calories. It helps me to not feel so deprived (I have a major sweet tooth!).
  • speedycakes
    speedycakes Posts: 152 Member
    Adding peanut butter or a handful of nuts to your day will give you more fat and a little more protein. Also bump up you intake. I think if you continue to eat so little eventually your metabolism will slow down to that rate and if you ever eat more than that you will gain. So unless you plan on eating 1000 calories the rest of your life I think you should try to raise it a bit. Try adding more exercise, it typically increases my apatite.