slimming world

hiya just wanted to know if anyone has done or is doing slimming world and has it worked for them? ive heard it really good. x


  • cuddlyrunner
    cuddlyrunner Posts: 116 Member
    I do slimming world and have lost 42lbs since July 25th. If you are on facebook there is a great slimming world support group.It isn't an official one but we swap recipes, photos of our food, before and after shots and general moans. I log on here as well to log my exercise and because the forums are good. Let me know if I can help with anything ,Luv Jeni x

    have sent you a link by pm as I am not sure if I can link on here
  • Penny_Wren
    Penny_Wren Posts: 18 Member
    I've just started again Slimming World for the 2nd time, I don't think I quite got it before but trying again now it just seems to good to be true! This is why I don't think I'm doing it right? I'm doing the extra easy one. Guess I'll know if I'm doing it right next week!
  • Heatherbledsoe
    Heatherbledsoe Posts: 106 Member
    what is that??
  • kazisindahouse
    kazisindahouse Posts: 16 Member
    I'm wanting to do Slimming World again as it suited me last time but can you still use the food diary on here or do you use the SW ones? If I use the food diary on here it doesnt match with the calories etc ... or am I sounding dim?
  • caroline1685
    caroline1685 Posts: 80 Member
    I've just started again Slimming World for the 2nd time, I don't think I quite got it before but trying again now it just seems to good to be true! This is why I don't think I'm doing it right? I'm doing the extra easy one. Guess I'll know if I'm doing it right next week!

    hiya how is slimming world working for you?? im starting the ee plan tomorrow. x
  • caroline1685
    caroline1685 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm wanting to do Slimming World again as it suited me last time but can you still use the food diary on here or do you use the SW ones? If I use the food diary on here it doesnt match with the calories etc ... or am I sounding dim?

    im going to do slimming world recipes but also log on here so i know im also in my calorie. the calories should come up on here and match up. hows it working for you?? x