Another "time of the month" question!!

Ok .... seriously!
Every month when "that time of the month" comes around I end up gaining weight. Not just a lb or 2, but we're talking as much as 5lbs (it's no wonder I'm a miserable crab monster). How do you deal with those weight gains on here?
I've really been kind of avoiding the subject to this point because I don't want to see that gain (even if it is water weight). I just want it to GO AWAY!
I just thought I'd see how others deal with it.
Thanks gals.


  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    It sucks, I have that problem too. I just deal with it as best I can, and remember that it will come back off in a few days and it's just water. I usually try to eat less sodium, drink more water, and exercise more when I'm bloated and that seems to help.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I don't consider it actual weight gain (because it's not). My water retention/bloat starts up to a week before my period and doesn't end until a few days after (that's like two weeks of the month!) annoying, yes, but sometimes I just don't weigh during that time..... and if I do, I just don't worry - because I know I'm still doing what I need to do (eating right, funning out at the gym every day) so i know I'm still actually losin weight, and the scale will show that in a few days! woohoo! :)
  • robynluvsjesus
    robynluvsjesus Posts: 32 Member
    I have the same issue. In the past, the discouragement from it has totally derailed my diet plans. I'm going to try the approach to weigh in only once a month and schedule it for the week AFTER. I don't know if I can stay away from the scales that long though.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Pretty simple really. If you don't want to see the temporary gain then stay off the scale.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    You know it's just water, you know it's just temporary. What's the problem? You're a woman. You bloat during your menstrual cycle. It happens to almost everyone every month of their child-bearing years.

    Don't invest so much of your emotional energy into a number when you know it's fleeting.
  • frugalmomsrock
    It's not really a gain-it's just something we have to deal with as women. I agree-stay off the scales during that time; it only makes you upset over a "gain" that isn't really there anyway. It disappears as quickly as it came on if you just keep at it, drink lots of water, and don't stop your routine just because of it being that TOM. Then you can lose that 5 pounds and more by the end of the week.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    it's not gain, it's more like water. When my time is coming I stay far away from the scale.
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    don't stress over it. during my period, if i stick to my calorie/macro goals, even though my weight is up after it's over i almost always lose it all plus more. don't give in to the cravings :)
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I only weigh myself 2 days after TOM and stop weighing as of a week before. I only weigh myself 3 maybe 4 times a month.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    You know it's just water, you know it's just temporary. What's the problem? You're a woman. You bloat during your menstrual cycle. It happens to almost everyone every month of their child-bearing years.

    Don't invest so much of your emotional energy into a number when you know it's fleeting.

    This. Be logical. It is meaningless.
  • jilliebk
    jilliebk Posts: 252 Member
    well, I don't weight myself around that time, I stay away. I am my worse enemy with Aunt Flow is here. Since I lost the weight it has become worse, and she has a mind of her own.
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    Personally, I drink more water during my period and stay away from salty foods and it seems to not bother me. In fact, during my last TOM I lost 2lbs.

    Otherwise, I wouldn't ask TOM questions on here, When I first signed up I did because before this I never weighed myself; I was really surprised on how much more I weighed during TOM. There were a lot of rude people who answered with sarcasim and mean comments. I'm guessing most rude women who answer with sarcasim must be on thier TOM. Honestly, if you can't give advice or support, why are they wasting thier time commenting?? Nobody cares if you "bang your head on the desk", you saw the topic, if you don't have good advice, don't open the forum! Dang!

    Best of luck to you :smile:
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Personally, I drink more water during my period and stay away from salty foods and it seems to not bother me. In fact, during my last TOM I lost 2lbs.

    Otherwise, I wouldn't ask TOM questions on here, When I first signed up I did because before this I never weighed myself; I was really surprised on how much more I weighed during TOM. There were a lot of rude people who answered with sarcasim and mean comments. I'm guessing most rude women who answer with sarcasim must be on thier TOM. Honestly, if you can't give advice or support, why are they wasting thier time commenting?? Nobody cares if you "bang your head on the desk", you saw the topic, if you don't have good advice, don't open the forum! Dang!

    Best of luck to you :smile:

    It's frustrating to those who know and understand the changes their bodies go through monthly. Women should know that bloating is a normal part of the menstrual cycle.

    I suggest to all of you who would like to know more about how the menstrual cycle affects weight loss should check out the MFP Group: Periods, Period.
  • dmcb24
    dmcb24 Posts: 56 Member
    I have the same problem, gain up to 5 lbs during time of month. I know its temp, but it still makes me upset. I dont log my weight during that week, I wait until its been over for 2 days, and then log. I was told thats when all that lovely water will leave our bodies. Good luck!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Under normal daily activity and food consumption coupled with hormones and bathroom breaks, the human body can fluctuate up to 5lbs a day.
    In some individuals even more depending on sodium and food allergies.
    the key to understanding bodyweight isnt in what the scale says but what the measuring tape shows.
    Body fat% would be a great focus and hide that scale!

    PS: If you must use a scale for weighing in you should do It once or twice a month and not during your cycle.
  • finchase
    finchase Posts: 174
    I don't consider it actual weight gain (because it's not). My water retention/bloat starts up to a week before my period and doesn't end until a few days after (that's like two weeks of the month!) annoying, yes, but sometimes I just don't weigh during that time..... and if I do, I just don't worry - because I know I'm still doing what I need to do (eating right, funning out at the gym every day) so i know I'm still actually losin weight, and the scale will show that in a few days! woohoo! :)

    This is my experience as well. I've just learned to deal with it, even though it's frustrating to see a slow-down in my weight loss program. Just don't stress too much and STAY ON COURSE.
  • Journey2Myself
    I bloat.. but I don't get cramps.. yet I get nausea instead!! And really bad headaches the day before and my first day..
    kind of fluish.. I have that today coupled with megastress.. and i don't feel like working out AT ALL..
    but I will :\