Proof that caffeine is a necessary way to start the day...



  • Punkedpoetess
    Punkedpoetess Posts: 633 Member
    No water in the coffee pot, wait 10 minutes for it to brew, FAIL!

    I've done the opposite, made a pot of coffee, but forgot the coffee.

    I have done both of these as well as MANY other things due to sleepiness and lack of coffee. I definately need at least a cup to start my day!
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    When I don't have my caffeine people get hurt...

  • FaeryBaby
    FaeryBaby Posts: 104 Member
    I once forgot to put a coffee cup in the coffee machine... before my coffee.

    I do stuff like that all the time. I work in a coffee shop, and at least twice a week I'll start brewing a pot of coffee without actually putting a pot on the machine...I do a lot of mopping at work lol
  • januarygal
    januarygal Posts: 336 Member
    hmmm, my mind is kinda weird these days. I went to put a baking sheet away in a cupboard near the fridge and discovered the veggie burgers I meant to put in the freezer a few nights ago in the cupboard. Into the garbage they went, but not before hubby asked, hey how long were they there? are they still good?
  • SunshineShandra
    For Christmas, I received 2 espresso makers and 1 French Press. Enuf said! :smile: