My Fitness Pal Metal heads and rockers, are you out there?



  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    This is blowing my mind there's so many women on here loving the grindcore and black metal... WHY THEN I ASK YOU ARE ALL THE CONCERTS SAUSAGE FEST?!?!?

    I always go to concerts when I can. Decent metal gigs are few nd far between in Uk. Last onei went to was Nile in Feb. Had to travel the country for that one. Totally worth it though!

    But there's so many good bands from over there... D

    Not death/black metal. We're lacking in that department. :(
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Haven't been to a good concert in so long... This post is making me want to go BAD!
  • CrawlingChaos
    Has nooooobody mentioned Animals as Leaders????

    Best. Band. Ever.
    wow somebody else that knows animals as leaders! I love them but in the jazzy metal department I still think I like exivious and Gordian knot better.
  • tishytaylor
    tishytaylor Posts: 10 Member
    Finally someone with the same tastes as me, haha!
  • 10kaday
    10kaday Posts: 177
    I have 620 artists in my iTunes library as I've been collecting music now for 35 years. I don't care what people say, but Metallica is still on top for me. I also like Megadeth and just about any rock including Rush, Led Zeppelin, A7X, Alterbridge... if it sounds good I'll play it. Recently, I've been in a Van Halen mood as I get ready for the new long awaited album coming next month! But on the other hand, I haven't played Van Halen in years so this is a bit odd for me.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Such great bands!!!

    I like a new band out of Utah. Called the Tainted Halos. Check them out at Let me know what you think!!!!