5lbs or more Challenge before the New Year!

I know that this time of year is the hardest to lose weight! But lets challenge ourselves to lose at least 5lbs before the new year!! Keep the motivation adn encouragemen alive! This time of year is tough and if can get the through the holidays with a 5lbs or more weight loss I think that is an achievement! Mark your current weight in this thread to keep motivated. Then on January 1, 2012 everyone come back to this thread and mark your current weight as of that Jan 1!

Add me as a friend for more encouragement and motivation!
Lets do this!
Who's in?


  • StephFork
    StephFork Posts: 182 Member
    I'm in and trying to lose 6lbs before Jan. 1st! Let's see if we can do it.. : )
  • trotter664
    I'll join in. I want to be 140 by January. Feb 1 is my 1 year loss anniversary. I would like to be at 140 solidly by then.
  • ambuney83
    I would like to do this also! That means we have 19 days! According to MFP, if everyday was like yesterday, I could be 7-8 pounds less in 5 weeks, which sounds amazing to me! I would be amazed if that actually happend but it's worth a shot! Good luck to everyone!