Well, I'm here now... I should probably say "Hi!"

I'm relatively new here on MFP, but I'm really liking it. I first found it as the mobile app, but soon discovered the wealth of features available!

Since joining I've lost 8 lbs, and I'm pretty happy with that. But that's actually not including the 40lbs I've lost since being at my heaviest. I've got plenty to go, but I'm in it for the long haul.

So a little about me:
(and I know I say some of this same thing in my "profile") I think really embracing my love of food has helped me get started on this road. I've discovered that I adore cooking and baking for people, but in doing so I've really come to respect food in a new way. This means I really steer away from the more processed foods, but it's a more natural inclination rather than a rule I've imposed upon myself. (and there are exceptions... like I really love Morningstar Soy Sausage!)

I'm also training to do a 5K in January (in Disneyland!!). I know I won't be able to run the whole thing, but I'm at a 14min/mile just walking so I feel pretty good about getting it done. Longer term goal is to be able to do a Spring Triathlon!

My goals are simple, to eat well and be active. I want to lose weight, but I've been on and off diets for the last 21 years. I've learned that as soon as I say "I can't have that" it becomes the thing I want most! So I'm being conscious of what I eat, and my caloric intake, and aiming for a balanced diet. I'm working out 4-6 times a week... and the weight is coming off... sometimes fast, sometimes slow. But I don't feel like I'm "living on a diet"... life's too short, and I love food too much, to make that model work for me anymore! I'm excited about where I am, and where I'm going!

I'd love to connect with some great people who are on a similar path! And bless you ALL in your journeys to health!


  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    welcome to MFP, well done to you on the fantastic start to your weight loss
  • wmlpd6
    wmlpd6 Posts: 135
    Welcome to MFP and good luck with your goals. Sounds like you are off to a great start and there are lots of encouraging and supporting people on here to cheer and you on and keep you company. My name is Will feel free to add me and once again welcome aboard and best of luck
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Good luck with the 5K, sounds like you are well on your way... just be warned, once you cross that finish line there will be a half marathon in your future. (and you already mentioned a tri).

    I try to motivate as best I can, feel free to add me.
  • kirstenkerr
    Welcome! I am also doing th Disneyland 5k in January! Go us:) welcome to MFP, I love it here, I've found it very easy to track and fun to support others in their quest to be healthier. Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we can meet up and cheer each other on in January!
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm super excited! I think running through the park at night is going to be incredible. The course map they just posted makes it look like there will be plenty to see, which makes the going easier, or so I'd assume.
  • melcap
    melcap Posts: 148 Member
    Welcome.... its only up from here.. well techinically down but you know what I mean! all the best
  • MeguPARN
    You got it girl, consistency is key. That's my goal, too. You can do it! :smile:
  • johnsummerton
    johnsummerton Posts: 86 Member
    Wow sounds just like me . Thought I had written your intro and forgotten
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    Apparently I need to get used to checking things I've posted on for replies. I guess I'm spoiled by facebook "Notifications"... I want something to tell me when someone replies! Ha!

    But really, thank you everyone for the welcome and the encouragement. I'm feeling really good about MFP as a great tool/community to make things really happen this time!
  • tausha_k
    Welcome!! I am pretty new to MFP myself (about 6 weeks). The 5K at Disneyland sounds like fun! Moved out of Cali 6 months ago. Good luck on your weight loss journey, and meeting your goals!! Feel free to add me as a friend! Welcome and happy losing :flowerforyou: