Pain in back when I breathe?

I've beed doing 30 day shred for a couple of weeks. I usually skip a day in between work outs. I woke up today after sleeping on the couch all night. I feel a weird tightness across my back when I lean forward or straighten out. Also, when I take a DEEP breath it just feels like a sharp deep ache. I just took some tylenol and have been trying to drink a lot of water. It is too high to be my kidneys or anythig. I'm pretty sure it is my spine or muscles there. I also moved a couch yesterday. Google suggested a rhombus strain. I have no idea what that is. Does this ever happen to you guys? I'm new to working out. It isn't my heart or anything like that, it is definitely something with my spine or muslces. I just want it to stop. Slouching seems to help. heh. Thanks in advance.


  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    Zumba always makes my right rib head slip out of place and the pain is exactly as you described. Go to a chiropractor and get an adjustment.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    could be a muscle strain but it also could be costrochondritis(inflammation in cartilage that connects rib to breastbone) or pleurisy(inflammation of lining of lungs that causes a sharp pain where you are describing). need to see a health care provider
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I was also thinking it maybe pleurisy. Have you been sick lately? If not maybe you did pull a muscle.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    probably a strain. take some tylenol and keep a good posture to help stretch it out. do not do any exercise until this goes away. try a heating pad too. make sure to stretch before an after the work outs. sleeping on the couch can cause you to remain in an unnatural position while sleeping for a long period of time, so just try and sleep on a bed more often.

    if the problem persists, see a doctor.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    This happened to me 2 weeks ago after doing new stuff with my trainer. I took some Advil and in 2 days the pain was gone. I was worried it was going to not go away that fast. I hope your pain goes away as quick as mine.
  • LosingWeight2012
    LosingWeight2012 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks everybody. Yeah, I think it is some sort of strain. I have no been sick at all. It is directly in the middle of my back at the bottome of my shoulder blades. I don't think it is lung or heart related because it started the day after I moved a couch, slept on a couch and did 30 day shred. I have a vitamin D deficiancy so I get cramps easy. I will definitely tell my doctor if it still hurts in a couple of days. I just hate to go in for something like that. I'm sure it isn't my lungs tho. I'm not sick at all.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I get that sometimes Monday after I took Spin and Weights on Sunday and then took a class on Monday with weights and cardio. Relax your spoulders and take it easy !
  • StatutoryGrape
    could be a muscle strain but it also could be costrochondritis(inflammation in cartilage that connects rib to breastbone) or pleurisy(inflammation of lining of lungs that causes a sharp pain where you are describing). need to see a health care provider

    Seconding costochondritis. I've had it on and off for years, and when it flares up, the pain is exactly what you're describing.

    All a doctor will tell you to do for it is to take an anti-inflammatory and keep it warm. I've found that wrapping a wool scarf around my ribs when I go to bed can ease the pain. Still, it might not hurt to get it checked out, just in case it's something else.