Can't Get Off Any Weight

I work out 4 times a week for about 30 - 40 mins a day and usually always stay in at least a couple under my calorie goals. Have been doing this for months and cannot seem to take off any weight and I dont notice and real changes in my body. What am I doing wrong? I weight train 2 days with light cardio 10 - 15 mins and the other 2 days are jogging/ walking for 30 mins.


  • jovz10
    jovz10 Posts: 531 Member
    how about your calorie intake?
  • MinnesotaMark
    MinnesotaMark Posts: 2 Member
    Diet is 80% of your journey...make sure you keep a strict log of the food you eat... I would step up cardio to a min. 40min. getting your heart rate to 70-80% of your max heart rate. If you are true with your diet, cut out simple sugars and simple carbs....the weight has to come off!
    Hope this helps...
  • KLynnBear
    KLynnBear Posts: 16 Member
    I would be frustrated as well. Maybe your body has adjusted to your daily fitness and calorie changes and sort of "settled in"? My body adjusts to things very quickly- I can do a workout class and be so sore I can barely move, then take the same class again a week later and feel no soreness at all. You might also look at what you're eating and not so much the overall calorie count, too much sodium/fat/carbs in the evening? If I am eating things that are too salty I won't see any changes.

    Overall I don't have any magical ideas other than change things up.....could you work flip your workout to the opposite time of day? I prefer to workout in the morning but see a quicker change if I work out in the evening although I have NO idea why. Hopefully you get some rewards for your hard work soon!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i hear ya 100%... I started exercising 5 days a week for 45 min each day. I lost only 2 lbs. I was eating a whole lot healthier but i found out once i joined on here that even thought i was eating healthy i was eating too many calories to loose weight. I eat ALOT of fruit and didn't think of calorie intake, only that it was healthy..... SO now i have to limit how much fruit i eat not too crazy with calories b/c i am never full off fruit, so i eat tons of it then.... Now that i log EVERYTHING i see where i was going wrong with my eating habits and know where to limit myself more. I have lost 3lbs since Oct 22 but that's it. I even started the 30 ds video and can't loose anymore? I start level 2 today, so hopefully that will help... I figured i had 2 full months by the end of the year to lose at least a good 5 - 10 lbs , so i am a bit discouraged! :(