Not new but... Needs friends! =)

Hey guys, I have been on the site for a little while but I get pretty bored. I am very nice and very friendly. I would love to meet new people and have many many more friends! My news feed is rather lonely and boring. I would love to get in touch with more people. =) Can't wait to accept you!

Now.. I'm Brianna from Arizona and I have a 1 year old and I will be graduating college in May. I would like to lose weight before my graduation so that I can look darn good in my graduation picture and so that when I move away to start my teaching career I will start completely FRESH! =) I also want to lose weight so that I can be around for my son FOREVER. Okay maybe not forever but for a very long time..



  • Hey there Brianna,
    I am somewhat new to this site. 30 days now. I welcome any support and I am happy to give it.

  • Thanks! I wish you the best of luck! Thanks for adding me. =)
  • Hi from Santa Barbara, Ca~
  • Hello Vic. =) Thanks for the add! =) You won't regret it!
  • Hello - I will be gald to support.
  • my name is rocky! and im looking for friends to go with me on my way to a new LIFE!!!.... plz add me ( any1 ).... i need all the help i can get!!...
  • Added! I wish you all the very very best of luck. I am here all the time. All my notifications go straight to my phone via email or some thing else and I have the app on my phone. I'm here for support, motivation, and friendliness!!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Im kinda new to the site and am in love with already. Love to friend you.
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    I'm not new, but who can't use more good friends?

    Add me. We'll support each other through this! :)
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    I just joined yesterday, think I'm going to love it! I use to do Weight Watchers on-line, but it just wasn't affordable. This is great!!
  • i started the site today. i need friends on here for support as well
  • mego07
    mego07 Posts: 234 Member
    22 from Tennessee! Feel free to add me. All of the support the better.
  • ZenDD
    ZenDD Posts: 4
    Feel free to add me as well..... can never have enough friends & support!
  • Just joined about 2 weeks ago but I just started posting today! I added you!
  • Feel free to add me. :) I do try to comment on diary, exercise, or other posts...but with a 4 year old running around, most days I barely have time to record my food and exercise. :)

    Welcome to the site!