Breastfeeding mummies?

Hey there,

I'm from Australia and fairly new on here and I'm looking to shift the weight that has crept on after having 3 babies. Just had my third in September and still breastfeeding at the moment. Planning to do so for as long as possible.

I find it REALLY hard losing weight whilst breastfeeding. Catch 22 as I don't want to deprive my baby but it's also very unhealthy being overweight. I'm also prepared to be patient as I know it's better to lose it slowly!

Are there any other mummies who are in similar situations? I'd love to hear from you!


  • hofdog
    hofdog Posts: 269 Member
    I just came to meet mummies, that would be cool. (by mummies I mean wrapped in cloth zombie types).
  • oeys
    oeys Posts: 25 Member
    I'm still bfing my 6 month old although winding it down now to a couple of feeds a day coz I'll be heading back to work after Christmas. I find it very difficult to lose the weight while bfing too but would love to lose a couple of stone before I try for number 3!
  • I'm also having the same problem. I have a 6 month old that feeds 1 - 2 times per day (almost always in the evening). I have really found it hard to eat the right things.. and get enough calories to support him eating enough. It's crazy, while i was pregnant.. everything went great.. I gained only about 20 lbs most of which dropped off right when I had him.. but after.. (with both kiddos) I come home and tend to gain weight like it's going out of style. Since I started really trying to get the weight off.. I find that everything is a YoYo... one day i eat really good.. the next day.. all i want is sugar.. mostly in the form of chocolate :). so in turn.. my weight drops one day.. and then 2 days later it's back.. :( such a hard combo to get figured out.
  • I'm nursing my 6th baby right now. Our oldest is 16. I NEVER lost weight when nursing my kids for some reason, until I start my periods. Too much info maybe! :) Then I would start to lose. Same as daughter is 17 months, and I just had my first visit from Aunt Flo last month and I dropped 4 pounds not trying! So now I feel safe to try to lose some more. I'm about 15 pounds heavier from when I got pregnant with her. However, I take into consideration that I'm bustier, and also gotta keep up my milk supply. I nurse them anywhere from 18 months to two and a half years. It IS hard to lose weight when nursing. I'm eating around 1200-1400 calories now. I also find when I'm nursing, that I'm hungrier. Similiar to pregnancy. So it's hard. I have to eat very good choices.
  • mattquit
    mattquit Posts: 175
    I just came to meet mummies, that would be cool. (by mummies I mean wrapped in cloth zombie types).

    me too no joke but when i clicked it i realized oh he/she meant mothers. oh well glad to see i'm not the only one
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    I just came to meet mummies, that would be cool. (by mummies I mean wrapped in cloth zombie types).

    me too no joke but when i clicked it i realized oh he/she meant mothers. oh well glad to see i'm not the only one

    My first thought was "Mummies have breasts? o.O" and I was picturing the cloth wrapped ones.
  • I'm nursing my 6th baby right now. Our oldest is 16. I NEVER lost weight when nursing my kids for some reason, until I start my periods. Too much info maybe! :) Then I would start to lose. Same as daughter is 17 months, and I just had my first visit from Aunt Flo last month and I dropped 4 pounds not trying! So now I feel safe to try to lose some more. I'm about 15 pounds heavier from when I got pregnant with her. However, I take into consideration that I'm bustier, and also gotta keep up my milk supply. I nurse them anywhere from 18 months to two and a half years. It IS hard to lose weight when nursing. I'm eating around 1200-1400 calories now. I also find when I'm nursing, that I'm hungrier. Similiar to pregnancy. So it's hard. I have to eat very good choices.
    Wow!!! 6 children!! You're my hero!!! : D
    Im currently doing two feeds For my 12 month old(morning and night) and I too am working my butt off but can NOT seem to shift the last little bit whilst breastfeeding..... No aunt flow here yet either so I'm hoping thatwhem I finally do wean and she does return, that I'll be able to shift it?! It really is a tough one isn't it? Trying to have enough calories to keep your milk supply up but not having so many that you gain weight!!!! It's definitely all about food choice!!!!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I so wanted this to be about feeding the Egyptian undead.

    Oh well.. good luck to you all!
  • I gained alot of weight while breatfeding my son for the first year, then i had enough and lost 50# in the last 2 years. I nver had a problem with eating less and keeping milk, its supply and demand. My son is 2yrs 3months and i still full time breasfeed.
  • GKaitie
    GKaitie Posts: 5 Member
    I'm still exclusively feeding my almost-6-month-old.. and I'm actually gaining weight.. still up 25lbs from pre-pregnancy.. i don't want to lose my supply but this has to end!! I'm starving ALL THE TIME!!
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    I'm in the same boat as well. I'm still bfeeding my 7 month old, but my milk supply is really tapering off due to high stress levels at work, etc. I'm going to try to continue feeding her in the mornings and before bed, but yeah, I too am having a major problem losing any weight. I gained 35 lbs while pregnant, lost 15 by having her, then lost another 10 while on maternity leave, and have gained and lost those 10 lbs multiple times in the last 4 months (I'm still carrying around 12 lbs of baby weight approximately). I just seem to be ravenous at night so I make poor food choices and I have very little time to work out. I had this false hope of losing tons of weight by breastfeeding and it has turned out to be the opposite! I am also having other health problems that I can't start working on until I am done bfeeding, but I find it so rewarding and relaxing and I love having that special time with my baby.
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    Im still breastfeeding my one year old son, but only about four or five times a day ( and night). I actually do lose weight while nursing, even while I was eating like a horse! Not a lot, but some. Now im trying to lose weight without cutting too many calories, as I don't want to deprive him.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Some moms don't lose any while breastfeeding, and some lose a ton. I'm one that doesn't lose. In fact, I lose like crazy when I'm pregnant (so much I get yelled at for it and I'm not trying!) and then once I have the baby I start packing it back on. I'm backwards. But it is important to eat maintenance calories at least, because your milk supply will be affected. Also, if you're eating too few calories your body will hold on to the weight to attempt to keep you able to produce and care for the baby. So that may be the issue. Or you may be just lucky, like me.

    I'd play with increasing your calories a bit and see what happens.
  • jipsybird
    jipsybird Posts: 878 Member
    I am bfing my second child, who is currently 4 and half months. My first is two. During both my pregnancies I gained about 35 pounds, and started out a little overweight. I lost about 20 pounds during the birth and 6 week postpartum for both. I then gained about 15 pounds in about a month and a half after the first in the following two months and struggled with it for another 6 months before I started taking it seriously. I managed to get my weight back to the starting point by the time I got pregnant the second time (and I was still breastfeeding for the first 4 months or so of the pregnancy). This time I have currently gained 10 pounds since the postpartum and lost 4 as of this week.

    My sister told me of this site so thought I'd try it out. I wanna get back into my cute clothes from before I got married, which means losing at least another 15-20 pounds. My goal weight loss is about 30 pounds. My main means of weight loss will be eating healthier (not necessarily less since I am breastfeading) and exercising.

    Ok, so that was a bit longer than anticipated...
    Oh, and looking for some support buddies :)