How to stay on track when dealing w/ a break up?

Good Morning to all! I am now going through a break up with my significant other of what would have been 3 years on December 26. With an anniversary date coming up, and the fact that we are no longer together I am upset and down..:(.

Just was wondering if anyone had any advice or tips on how to continue on with my weight loss when going through this trying time for me. I have been in a similar situation some years ago and had a terrible time gaining abt 30lbs. I can NOT let this get the best of me and need to stay motivated and on track.

Any input will help and is appreciated.

Thanks in advance..have a great day!!


  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Break ups can be hard, especially near the anniversary date. Just remember it wasn't meant to be and you need to stay strong and not let yourself go. There will be others and you want to be the best you can be.
  • ConnieSG
    ConnieSG Posts: 376
    Sorry about the break-up. All break-ups are hard and yours is especially hard since your anniversary is coming up. My advice to you would be to surround yourself with family and friends who know that you are committed to losing the weight and will help support you through this difficult time. Just know this too shall pass!! We all have so much confidence in you that you will work through this and come out a stronger person.

    Take care of yourself!
  • melainemelaine
    melainemelaine Posts: 127 Member

    Try to find something you can focus on, a new exercise class in the gym, or go for long walks to clear your mind, don't let it over-shadow your achievements and don't fall back into old habits.
    You changed things for your own reasons, I hope you did this to feel better about yourself, don't let this ruin it for you. things like that happen, and they are sad times, focus on something positive. Exercise makes you happy, use those endorphins :D
  • Carrotz5
    Carrotz5 Posts: 31 Member
    I don't have the problem of gaining weight during a break up. I usually cut back on how much I eat and end up losing weight. However, I have a few ideas that may help and are probably better ways of dealing with a break up than how I handle them.
    First, don't allow yourself to buy junk food. If the ice cream isn't there, then you're less likely to eat the whole carton (I've done this a time or two). It might be a good idea to have healthy snacks available instead. Not nearly as exciting as ice cream or chips or whatever your comfort food is, but with a healthier alternative you won't have to feel so badly about snacking. Another thought would be to exercise. Exercise can induce the production of endorphins which will make you feel happier. When you're feeling down, go for a quick walk or do your favorite exercise. I would also choose activities that make you feel amazing. I know for me running makes me feel like I can conquer the world!
    I feel for you. I've been through a heart-breaking break up and I didn't think I was going to make it. With your anniversary coming up, I can imagine how hard this Christmas season is for you! :(