How long do you WO?



  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    I think it depends on your goals. Sure if you want to just lose weight HIIT, tabata, and the like are fine. But if you have different fitness goals, such as running long distances, HIIT isn't going to cut it. I'm training for a half marathon, I alternate about 30 mins (with warm up/ cool down) of circuit training with long distance running. I'm currently on week 5 of my program and it calls for two 3.5 mile runs and one 5 mile run this week. I'm slow so the 3.5 mile runs take me about 45 mins, and the 5 mile one will take me about 60 mins. As the distances get longer I can see my "workouts" increasing to 90 mins or even 2 hours. Trust me, my workouts are very effective for MY goals.
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    I do the Leslie Sansone walking DVD's. My favorites are the fast miles where it's about a 12 minute mile and end in two minutes of jogging. I do two sessions a day five days a week, and one session a day the other two days of the week. My morning workout is generally 30 to 45 minutes and my afternoon 45 to a hour.

    i also do the leslie sansone walks. did the 2 mile this morning (only 30 mins) :-)

    i am always puzzled why people workout twice a day. for me it's easier to get if all over and done with at once. also, unless i didn't work. i could not see how i would be able to fit this in my schedule nor can i see what i would gain from it.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    People who WO for more than 90 minutes per day are addicts. They're not "seeing" benefits but rather "feeling" them. Much like a drug abuser, without that burn or rush, they'll go into withdrawl. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but like any addiction, it can lead to over training. I don't care how perfect your form is or what kind of cardiovascular health you're in, parts of your body don't last forever. Anything over 90 minutes per day is, in my opinion, excessive and does no good. Cheers!

    Not true.

    I was in the USMC, and also a Fighter many moons ago.

    I know what peak fitness is for an athlete, and you don't get it with these short workouts.
    My goals are not to simple be in shape but reach that level again with allowances for my body pushing age 50.

    I want to do 100 pull-ups again - currently, I am doing 45.
    I want to do 1000 sit-ups again - currently I am doing 200

    And on and on. Jack Lalanne worked out 2 hours each day until he was 96 years old, but he also worked and ate smart.
    Addiction? Who knows, but again, his results speak for itself. And he had critics too, and got the ultimate revenge: Jack outlived them - lol

    How a man structures an exercise program is a function of his goals, and mine are high - very high, because I have known that level before. Nothing compares to that, and it won't just happen by accident.

    That's reality.
  • Aprillsmith
    People who WO for more than 90 minutes per day are addicts. They're not "seeing" benefits but rather "feeling" them. Much like a drug abuser, without that burn or rush, they'll go into withdrawl. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but like any addiction, it can lead to over training. I don't care how perfect your form is or what kind of cardiovascular health you're in, parts of your body don't last forever. Anything over 90 minutes per day is, in my opinion, excessive and does no good. Cheers!

    I workout over 90 min a day and I'm both seeing AND feeling results. But thats what works for ME. To each his/her own. Everything didn't work for everyone but there is no need to speak negatively on something just because maybe thats not what works for you.
  • Joisgettingfit
    Joisgettingfit Posts: 160 Member
    At the moment i'm just using workout dvd's so it varies from anywhere between 25-60 minutes

    sometimes on the shorter workouts i'll add an extra ten minutes of ab/leg work but that's about it.
  • Dgaines54
    In additional to my regular "real" workouts, I will often watch a movie while taking a nice and easy 3mph walk on the treadmill. Sometimes I take a break in the middle, and sometimes I just walk straight through the entire movie. Are you saying is not beneficial for my weight loss? I should just sit on the couch and enjoy the movie and I'll see the same weight loss results?
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    My workout is stress reliever too. anywhere from 20-40 minutes depending on the day and sometimes I do ballroom dancing or power yoga too
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    I am on my third week on run (outdoor) and bike (indoor) for 120min/day average, 6/7 days . I feel ok as long as I have my daily carbs and proteins. I only want to lose fat (I have a year of chocolate, peanuts, beer...belly) and decided yesturday I would tempt a marathon in 2012...maybe a triathlon. I hate to run less than 45 min and I love the feeling after 2h...I am addicted even though it is not recommanded. If I try to follow a training plan, I quit after 2 or 3 days (if I jump a training, I quit...I tried maybe 15 times). I like to wake up; look at the weather and decide what I will do in the morning. This is opposite to every recommandations, but I love it and stick to it for now. The only major weight loss (from 112kg to 68kg) was that way. Maybe when I will have lost my fat, I will concentrate on competition and stick to a personal training plan.
  • Soon2BeMrsThomson
    I exercise for 60 minutes 5 times a week - a session with my trainer 3 times a week which is a mix of weights and cardio and 2 sessions of swimming on rest days. It works for me but maybe not for everyone - I've lost 11lbs but most importantly 15 inches from my waist/hips!!
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I used to workout for 20-25 minutes, but within the past few weeks I upped it to 40-45. I never workout over an hour. Most of my workouts are cardio or HIIT and I add 2-3 days of strength training in.
  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    Options depends on my schedule for the day, my cals for the day, what kind of workout I'm doing ( weight training, cardio, or both) and how I'm at the time, but however long it takes to complete the goal I set when before I walked into the gym
  • keldawm
    keldawm Posts: 35 Member
    I think it depends on your goal. I did a tri in August. I trained 1.5 to 2 hours several days a week for a couple of months before the race. I lost weight and never thought about calories. I am now training for my first half marathon so I will be running more than 60 minutes at a time to get ready. When I am not training for an event I typically do 30 minutes of cardio 4 to 5 days a week and 30 minutes strength training 4 days a week. I also play tennis a couple of days a week.
  • Natalie49
    Natalie49 Posts: 210 Member
    30-60 mins.
  • Marvels1981
    I have a set routine which has been working well for me so far

    Tuesdays - 60 Minutes Cardio, never 60 minutes of one thing, keep changing between running, rowing, cycling or cross trainer
    Wednesdays - 10 minute cross trainer cardio for a warm up and then 45 minutes of weights and resistance
    Thursdays - 60 Minutes Cardio, never 60 minutes of one thing, keep changing between running, rowing, cycling or cross trainer
    Saturdays - 30 minute 5km run
    Sundays - 10 minute cross trainer cardio for a warm up and then 45 minutes of resistance
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    i think that excersising over 60 minutes can be beneficial, especially when you want to burn more to eat more.
    also, not everybody is fit enought to do hiit
    if you have a lot to loose its better to start with long low impact cardio

    i do sprin8 twice a week (hiit), but then on sundays 2 clases of 90 min total (cardio and streightening).
    i love to work out 90 min on sunday, in the morning i have so much energy!
    in the end, it's whatever suites you most, and whatever you can enjoy...

    and how on earth excersising over 1 h makes you an addict?
    sooner all that after hiit felling can make you one...
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    It is my understanding that cardio needs to be a sustained period of heart rate at 75 o/o of max . to burn the most calories for weight loss . 15 - 20 minutes per workout is the minimum time to sustain that level . Depending on your conditioning and the form of exercise , a sustained 45 - 75 minute workout is possible without muscle fatigue or becoming bored with it . As for forming a habit to long , sustained exercise , there are many things much worse to be addicted to . How many think nothing of checking out and watching 60 minutes of television or gaming for 60 minutes every day ?
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I do what I would consider endurance sports, I combine both HIIT training and Endurance into my workouts. But I also consider my Yoga, Tai Chi, Stretching, Strength training as workouts too. So there are benefits to both time and intensity that need to be considered in well rounded training IMO.
  • camillehardeman
    by "share your opinions", you mean, state that people who are working out differently from you are wrong? hmm.

    I tend to work out longer simply for the fact that I enjoy it. It isn't just about burning calories and crossing off "workout" from my to do list. I genuinely enjoy excercise. So my workouts do often range from 1-3 hours on some days, because I like it! :smile:
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    My weights sessions are getting long. They used to be 45 minutes long. Now they're starting to get to an hour and 15 minutes. I'm resting longer between sets because the weight is starting to get quite heavy.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I tend to work out longer simply for the fact that I enjoy it. It isn't just about burning calories and crossing off "workout" from my to do list. I genuinely enjoy excercise. So my workouts do often range from 1-3 hours on some days, because I like it! :smile:

    same here. when i'm tired i "only" work out for an hour. but that gym time is me time and i genuinely enjoy it.