The entire reason why I am try to lose weight....

Well reason #1 is to look and feel better, but the reason why it is working for me now is my motivation to get healthy for a second pregnancy. Many of my MFP friends here know my story (if not just read my profile) and know how badly my husband and I want to have another baby. Well, for the past 4 months my dr wanted me to lose 35 lbs and get healthy so we can start the ttc process at the 9 month mark from when I had my c-section. Well, I am at that point!!! I am so excited to get this ball rolling. I am still trying to lose weight on top of everything as I have only lost about 15 of that 35, but we're gonna get started!!!!! Hopefully in the next few months I'll be on here to change my profile from losing to maintaining for a healthy pregnancy!!!! (ok, I'm done, I just wanted to share cause I am SOOOO excited!)


  • Natalie49
    Natalie49 Posts: 210 Member
    That really is exciting! You're doing great. & hopefully you'll have a lovely baby very soon ;)

    Take care! xo
  • betzeross
    betzeross Posts: 161 Member
    This is great news! I am praying for you as you start this journey to get pregnant. I ask God's blessing and favor upon you and your husband. You have been through such sadness and I would love to rejoice in your happy news of expecting again. You are brave and strong and I wish you the very best! ~Sherry