HI Im New to MFP dont know where to start.

Hi, I have been struggling with my weight for about 3 years now. I have been to the doctor; got a personal trainer and a dietician… nothing is working…. I have been diagnosed with PCOS which make it harder to lose weight. I watch what I eat and I work out every day….. I am starting to get very frustrated and don’t know what to do. I am open for any suggestions …..Thank you for listening.


  • Janelucier
    Hi There,
    Have you tried cleansing the Toxins from your body. Your body holds on to fat and water to protect itself from Toxins. Cleansing is not the easiest thing to do , but when you do it, it is amazing . I cleansed 1 day a week for 4 weeks and lost 14 pounds and 18 inches all over. Make sure you get a all natural cleanse, NOT one from the health food store.. Check out Isagenix.com If you want to try it let me know, Good luck to you, Jane
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    Just stick with it. You may want to do measurements rather than weight checks. Muscle weighs more than fat and this may be the case for you..you have gained muscle in place of fat and that will affect the scale numbers but your size may change or even better shape.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi and welcome, Im sure using this site you will be able to lose the weight you want to lose, It will take time and effort but Im sure you can do it.

    MFP will set you how many cals etc and just follow it. I would also try and exercise 3/4 times per week.

    Good Luck,. x
  • missymugs
    hey hun i am 21 and have had pcos since i was 16 .... you have to remember its a life style , you have to look at all aspects of it , and stick to it. cut out the bad as much as you can .. ie ... breads, pastas ( it turns to sugar when digesting) stick to means and vegies ... the more colourful your plate is the better.... darker vegies are better for you ... eat brown rice not white , as its bleached. reduce your calorie intake , and just start off with walking even if its 20 min a day... once you get what you eat under control then you can get more into the physical.... remember what you eat is what will put the weight there...

    i focussed just on my eating for the past month . with no exercize .. this is my second week of walking ,
    also green tea is a good helper for weight loss , i take CLA you can get it at cosco its not a weight losing pill, it just helps to burn with eating right and exercize .

    good luck hun..ad me as a friend on here if you would like
  • Prozack1964
    hello and welcome here hope you have a great day
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    I don't have PCOS but I have a friend who has it and she found when she cut the processed carbs (bread, pasta etc) out of her diet and concentrated more on fruits, veggies, lean meats, legumes etc. She eats roughly 100g of carbs a day (give or take)

    I cannot see your food diary but maybe try cutting those down and see how you feel, I am not saying do anything drastic like 20g a day or anything but maybe just drop them a bit. Make sure you drink your water, exercise and I am sure your weight will come down. Also take measurments, you may not see the scale go down but your measurments may change.
  • Horskrzy
    Horskrzy Posts: 71 Member

    I hadn't even heard of PCOS until I saw your post and looked it up (I know, us guys don't like to know about "female" stuff :noway: ). Sounds like you've got a "few" more obstacles to overcome but your desire to do so is probably the biggest one and you've already taken that step!

    All I can suggest is consistency in tracking (logging) which in turn will help you become more aware of what your eating and how it impacts your weight. Consistency in exercise will also help as you will find that daily exercise WILL make you feel better (not a cure mind you, just an overall feeling) which helps in your overall outlook on "life". Last, but certainly important is to get yourself a group of friends that will be there for you to encourage you and cry with you when you have a bad day (Guys don't know how to cry so count us out! :sad: ). I have no doubt that MFP will bring you loads of friends (even those with PCOS) who will be there for you.

    Just the fact that your here and have posted this "help" shows your a winner and leaves me without a doubt that you will be a weight loss inspiration for us all in the future! Get going and don't look back!
  • scowil03xx
    scowil03xx Posts: 45 Member
    Hi and good luck on your journey. There is a lot of good advice here, you just have to filter through it all and find what works for you. Tracking is a good start because if you are honest and track by the rule of "if I bite it, I write it", it will show you a lot of places where just small dietary changes can have big effects. Good luck again and feel free to add or message me with questions.
  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    Yeah I would keep logging and change things up. Muscle does not weigh more than fat.....5lbs is 5lbs....fat is just thicker and bulkier....http://www.onemorebite-weightloss.com/muscle-to-fat.html

    We are all here to help!!! Stay strong!! Keep pushing forward!!
  • JenSmith1104
    I have PCOS too and have seen a nutritionist. She recommended lowering carbs (not drastically) and watching processed foods. I've completely cut out soda, even diet ones. I've lost 12 lbs since the end of October just doing those things. It just takes vigilance. Add me on here if you want support. ::)
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Yeah I would keep logging and change things up. Muscle does not weigh more than fat.....5lbs is 5lbs....fat is just thicker and bulkier....http://www.onemorebite-weightloss.com/muscle-to-fat.html

    We are all here to help!!! Stay strong!! Keep pushing forward!!

    It's a density thing. Muscle weighs more for a certain unit of size (cubic inch whatever)... so you can become "smaller" and weigh the same.. which is why the measurements are important... the "weighs more" is a mistake for density, but the object is true. If you gain muscle, you can lose inches and tone up without losing weight.
  • horror_hamster
    I don't have PCOS but a colleague of mine does and she cut out gluten (went gluten free) and it seems to help her.
  • kamhap2003
    I have heard that gluten free diets help a lot as well. I think if you try cutting gluten out, and sticking to the plan MFP gives you, you may see results. The effects are hormones have on the body are never easy, but you can do this girly! I underwent hormonal therapy for endometriosis 4 years ago, and am still trying to lose the weight from it. It's tooken me years, but I'm almost there. Hang in there!!