Just started and I am HUNGRY!



  • katyejean
    katyejean Posts: 233 Member
    I have a really weird schedule since I don't get a lunch break at my job. At least not unless we're dead slow. Then I just get to go home. But anyway, I would suggest pre-planning your day the night before. So you know where you will sit on Cals and anything else you are watching out for. It's helped me stay fuller because I know what I'll be eating and when. I've even grabbed some Cliff bars for my mid-mornings at work and some yogurt. I tested it out yesterday and it worked beautifully!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Veggies, lean meats, oatmeal, try and find some low sugar 100 calorie bars, drink WATER.
    If you're hungry, drink 2 full glasses of water before snacking on anything sugary or high in calories. Or have a work out.
    To keep full, don't drink soda's or fruit juices and try and stick to water. I always have some kind of low calorie snack like sugar free pudding (Kozy Shack), Unsweetened apple sauce, 100 calorie quaker bars, lots of celery and carrots...
    Hope that helps >.<
  • Buy u some protien bars not cereal bars. u will find in the pharmacy section at wal-mart 10 g
    protien, kellogs protien meets this criteria cal should be between 170-200
  • EngiAli
    EngiAli Posts: 83 Member
    When you're fat, and you're trying to not be fat, you should stop eating fat.
    it's pretty simple really, my BMI is 21.5 and i eat 5000 calories a day, less than 5% of that is fat, and 85% of that is carbs (and hte majority of carbs is sugar!)
    clearly you have no idea how things work...

    1. This guy is a Troll

    2. Fat does not make you fat, excess calories make you fat. Extreme low fat will make your hair fall out, prevent the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and basicall make you sick and unhealthy. A diet should be no less then 20% "good" fats and easily up to 30%.

    3. I don't even want to think about how bad you would feel consuming almost 5000 calories of sugar.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    Look to change your goal to 1 lb per week. Also, eat back your exercise calories or at least 75% of them. If you really want to know your caloric needs, please use the BMR tool and post your results.
  • Today I have felt deprived... I am going through the "I wish" I had this or that and I could eat them but I have been strong day three... helps writing things down to really hold myself to it. I guess I am wondering if everyone who is counting calories do you give your self a free day or do you count every day no matter what and just deam the bad days as a low point? do you work it off? do you eat less during the week? how do others handle this? the holidays are coming up and I dont want to be a total downer and not eat anything I realize I am not going to stuff my face but some thing I just feel like are going to really be high in calories no matter the amount I eat? suggestions needed!
  • I havent so much felt like I am not getting enough food or anything like that, I just have a want for other foods I am trying to avoid. I think this is a struggle because it is still very early in this. I dont want to add more calories daily I sit at a desk and I have a wedding in oct 2012 so I want to be at my best as soon as I can. I want to be able to maintain this and do really well... if I dont see results quick then I ussually fall off the bandwagen. So I am going to keep going strong but with the holidays coming up I know I will treat myself when I am with my families so we will see how everything goes and I love all of the help you guys are giving me this is wonderful!