
Leslie4834 Posts: 111 Member
Does anybody know some recipes with pesto in it that are relatively healthy? Thank you for the help and the new awesome ideas.


  • myskinnyyear
    myskinnyyear Posts: 70 Member
    You can put pesto on fish, but other than that and pasta, not sure.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    You can make pesto chicken too.
  • BeesKnees181
    BeesKnees181 Posts: 166 Member
    Yes! I have a vegan version for pesto. Basil (fresh, and a lot of it), 3-5 raw garlic cloves, nutritional yeast (2-4 TBS), miso paste (1 TBS), and extra virgin olive oil. Pulse in blender. You won't even miss the parmesan!
  • oftheearth
    oftheearth Posts: 104 Member
    I mixed it with canned tuna - yummy!
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I love pesto with shrimp!

    I recently made this one, and because it's so strongly really don't need much.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    I use pesto in loads of stuff- I also buy different varieties of pesto (artichoke, black olive, Aubergine/eggplant, sundried tomato, chilli)

    Here's some things to try:

    Mixed into cottage cheese (v.tasty)

    mixed into cooked quinoa or cous cous for salads

    stuffed into chicken breasts

    spread onto pork chops

    spread onto fish and baked

    Mixed through natural yoghurt with lemon juice to make a really yummy dip for veggies or pitta chips, or thinned down with a little water to make a pesto yoghurt salad dressing.

    Pesto pitta pizzas- cut open a wholemeal pitta so it is flat. Spread with a little pesto, top with your chosen veggies (I like courgettes/zucchini, aubergine/eggplant and spinach) top with some low fat shredded cheese and grill.
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I make a pesto potato salad that is yummy, but looks a little weird because it's green. My family loves it, though. The pesto is made with spinach and walnuts. I have the recipe on my blog: