Appetite suppressants??

I've struggled with my weight for YEARS. I've had an MFP account for longer than I can remember, but I never stuck to it. I deleted my old account and created a new one hoping for a fresh start. I need to lose about 30-35lbs...I know exactly how to do this, but my biggest problem is portion control. More often than not, I eat more than I should at one sitting or snack for no reason. I know once I get in a new routine I'll stop that, but I'm considering an appetite suppressant to help me get started. Has anybody taken anything recently that you feel has really helped curb your appetite?


  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Drink lots and lots of water, have healthy snacks readily available, and use smaller plates for dinner (then you don't feel like are missing out by not filling the entire plate).
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    eating something generally suppresses my appetite for a while
  • Naomi_84
    Naomi_84 Posts: 197 Member
    Best to try your hardest to do it without, after a short while of being strict with yourself you'll learn to scale down your portions. Add loads of veggies to your meals to bulk them up, you can eat a lot if you're eating the right things. Appetite suppressants might give you a kick start but you still won't be challenging the actual problem which is self control. Once you stop taking the pills you'll be back where you started.
  • M77308
    M77308 Posts: 183
    Anytime I feel hungry, I drink at least an 8 oz glass or water... if I'm still hungry later, I'll eat something. You'd be surprised at how filling water can be...
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Snacking for no reason might be more of boredom/ emotional eating?

    What has helped me the most with regards to eating is PLANNING AHEAD. I have my entire day's menu planned at least one day ahead, sometimes 3-4 days ahead. If I don't have a plan, it's much easier to give into temptation.
  • skb135
    skb135 Posts: 11
    i would talk to a doctor before trying this but oxyelite helps. but when ur not used to it - u get the "jitters". I work nights and sometimes dont get to sleep during the day so it helps me to stay awake, my appetite is decreased but I havent lost weight with them. again, I'd be cautious about taking them though. over dosing on diet pills has given people strokes.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Food is a great appetite suppressant :devil:

    If you eat for no reason, an appetite suppressant isn't likely to help you. I know that I can eat when I'm not hungry so it wouldn't work for me. You need to try and eat healthy snacks in between meals. That way you avoid being hungry between meals. A lot of people have a hard time eating when they're not hungry, but it sure beats overeating once you are starving. Make sense?
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I've struggled with my weight for YEARS. I've had an MFP account for longer than I can remember, but I never stuck to it. I deleted my old account and created a new one hoping for a fresh start. I need to lose about 30-35lbs...I know exactly how to do this, but my biggest problem is portion control. More often than not, I eat more than I should at one sitting or snack for no reason. I know once I get in a new routine I'll stop that, but I'm considering an appetite suppressant to help me get started. Has anybody taken anything recently that you feel has really helped curb your appetite?

    Here's the deal, and it's not what any of us want to hear.
    Bad habits are like addictions, and it just takes time to break those routines.

    You can do this. In time those powerful drives do go away - believe it!
    The hardest part is making it through the first 28 days, and then little by little, the hunger compulsions evaporate.

    Please, don't give up!

    And as far as drugs go, I am totally against that, but you must do as you feel led to do - just make sure it's through a reputable, licensed physician.
  • lunarescape
    lunarescape Posts: 51 Member
    Green tea.
  • blondee68x
    Thanks everyone. I'm definitely gunna try to drink a TON of water (I've been bad at that in the past) and hopefully that'll help. Maybe try some green tea too. And yes, I probably am somewhat of an emotional eater. I stress about my weight gain over the last few years & then I go stuff my face...wth sense does that make?? Going to get better about planning ahead too...I know from past experience that can really help. I appreciate everyone's input & the positive words. I'm not giving up this time...somethings gotta change! :happy:
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Water and veggies, especially things like cucumber and lettuce. You can eat a TON of them because they are mostly water and are VERY low in cals, but still have substance so they fill your stomach.
  • blkmale67
    blkmale67 Posts: 61 Member
    I've struggled with my weight for YEARS. I've had an MFP account for longer than I can remember, but I never stuck to it. I deleted my old account and created a new one hoping for a fresh start. I need to lose about 30-35lbs...I know exactly how to do this, but my biggest problem is portion control. More often than not, I eat more than I should at one sitting or snack for no reason. I know once I get in a new routine I'll stop that, but I'm considering an appetite suppressant to help me get started. Has anybody taken anything recently that you feel has really helped curb your appetite?

    First you need to develop some strong compelling reasons why you want to lose weight or else you will continue to get the results you are getting now. You need to identify why you eat for no reason, is it out of boredom, depression...etc. Once you have identified why, you need to look at what it is costing you by indulging in overeating or mindless eating(Being overweight, health issues). Remove the temptation and Identify some healthy alternatives such go for walk, calling a friend, reach out to your MFP family for support ...Eventually the urge should subside. Also follow the other great suggestions already posted such as a cup of water. A lot of times we think we are hunger when we are really thirsty. Also realize that a lot things we do unconsciously because we have conditioned ourselves by repeatedly engaging in that behavior. In order to learn a new behavior you are going to have consciously repeat that behavior for a period of time. During the retraining period your mind may play tricks on you and say things like " I can't do this" or you might find yourself unconsciously reaching for that snack in situations you previously have conditioned yourself to associate food (ie..sitting in front of the TV). Don't fall for the tricks and be mindful when in situations that you associate food with. I apologize for making this so long but while I am sharing this with you I am also reminding myself =-).
  • kellybug123
    If you're snacking for no reason, it's probably not your appetite that needs to be suppressed. Try to figure out if you're bored, lonely, sad, happy or whatever. Figure out which emotion you're feeding and change the way you deal with it. Give it some water. Play a Youtube video of a song you love and dance. Dance like no one's watching. Send an email/fb message to someone you haven't spoken to in a while. Post a blog about what's going on. There are so many other choices to make on what to feed your emotions than food. :) You can do it! I struggle with the same thing and it's a constant battle, but starting it and recognizing the triggers is half the battle.
  • HealthyWayorNoWay
    HealthyWayorNoWay Posts: 83 Member
    Drinking water and working out!
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    eat slowwwwwwwwwwwww
    drink lots of water in between bites
    green tea (natural appetite suppressant)
    chose foods that you can eat in smaller bites to draw out the time you spend eating (eg. rice)
    eat every 2-3 hours max
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I had my doctor prescribe me an appetite supressant and it worked, because I didnt eat hardly at all. My body got use to it, so I was told to stop taking it for a few days then continue. I stopped relying on the RX completely and gained the weight back through eating more (healthy too) because the body went through starvation. I have to work twice as hard now and hate myself for trying to find a quick and easy way, because in the end, quick means it is not permanent.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    I had my doctor prescribe me an appetite supressant and it worked, because I didnt eat hardly at all. My body got use to it, so I was told to stop taking it for a few days then continue. I stopped relying on the RX completely and gained the weight back through eating more (healthy too) because the body went through starvation. I have to work twice as hard now and hate myself for trying to find a quick and easy way, because in the end, quick means it is not permanent.


    That is my biggest fear about drugs....

    I completely understand the pain though. And sorry, but water just doesn't do it for me at night with my stomach burning with hunger as I am trying to go to sleep. When I was fat, I'd just go eat supper again.

    No more of that. And it took time for those compulsions to go away.
  • Gabbahh
    Intermittent fasting. ;)
    Green tea.
  • blondee68x
    I had that happen a few years ago too! Got down to 137 & less than 2 years later I had gained it all back plus more! Those diet pills they give you at medical weightloss centers really do the trick but it's REALLY hard to keep it off once you stop taking them. I'm going to try to stay away from drugs this time & try the other remedies everybody has talked about. It's been tough already but hopefully will power with do the trick...
  • cecilia0909
    cecilia0909 Posts: 188 Member
    I found this and only looked at the first and almonds, both of which curb my appetite. I had the same issue as you, I over ate. I knew what I needed to do but that didn't stop me from downing 4 PB&J's with a large side of chips at lunch. I wasn't even hungry but would keep eating. I had to really focus on stopping but munching almonds and drinking lots of coffee (I LOVE coffee) has really helped me. *edit* Also apples, I bought one of those slicers and I swear on the days I eat an apple for breakfast all I want for lunch is a lighter "snack" and then I eat a pretty healthy dinner and I don't feel hungry at all