Lap Band and "noise in your head" - need advice!



  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi I know I haven't had a lap band but I just wanted to say that weight loss doesn't cure everything. In fact when I started out I was very depressed and thought that if I was thin all my problems would be gone even the ones that had nothing to do with weight. You hear everyone say that they lost the weight and how happy and confident they are so I thought it would be the same for me.

    As I've lost weight ive found that a lot of the problems and feelings I was covering by eating came out more the more I lost and that ive actually found them very difficult to deal with. It's taken me a long time to get to this point where I can face my demons but they are still there and I still have bad days. I also still have pretty bad confidence issues which over time I have come to realise have always been there even before the weight.

    Sorry for rambling on and good luck with your surgery if you decide to go with it. I just wanted you to know it probably won't solve everything. One thing I have found to be a massive help with the depression is exercise I just started off going for walks and it made such a difference.

    Take care c
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    Hi, definitely get the surgery if you need! This is your life. But I agree with the last poster, I have anxiety and "issues" that came out more when I began to lose weight. I don't think it ever goes away. Sometimes I crave cheetos and feel insanely hungry too. I deal with it day to day but exercising helps me quiet the noises. Even walking. Maybe it will help?
  • snordstrom
    snordstrom Posts: 2 Member
    I know I am a little late replying here. I agree that you need to talk to your doctor. I have the band and it is absolutely the best thing I have ever done. I tried continuously to get the weight off to no avail. I exercised, watched calories, watched carbs...nothing worked. Please don't take the advice of people who "know someone, who know someone" who had complications. I have not had any issues with eating at all. When people talk about getting stuck it is because A: they did not chew their food well B: they ate too fast C: their band is too tight. The band is adjustable therefore if you are too tight, you simply have to go get some fluid removed. The band is a tool only and will not solve all your problems. Yes, there are some people who do gain back the weight but that is because they didn't deal with their eating issues, it is not the bands fault. I will say it again, it's only a TOOL!! Someone commented that the band is a "dangerous" surgery. I disagree. If anything, it is the least risky of all weight loss surgery's as your internal organs are not being re-routed or changed. The band is completely removable. Feel free to send me a private message if you need to talk. :wink:
  • ff731emt
    ff731emt Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I had my lap band in May of 2011. Since my surgery I've lost 89 lbs. I will agree with some of the earlier posts that unless you are prepared for the recovery process, relearning your body, and understanding how you should eat then it is very difficult. If you are at a place where you are willing to learn, and your surgeon will give you the necessary tools to educate yourself, then you should check out at least two Bariatric Surgeons in your area and take a look at Allergan's (the makers of the lap band) website.

    My surgeon stresses lean protein, green veggies, exercise, and daily vitamins & minerals. None of these things were a problem for me. I now run 3 miles a day, 4 days a week with my daughter; and I practice softball with her 5 days a week. I go to the gym with my husband 3-4 days a week or work out at work. I carefully track any food that goes into my mouth (now that I've found mfp that should be easier), and I drink 80 oz of water everyday. My starting weight in May was 257lbs.

    If you need any advice, please feel free to pm me. I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. :happy:

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  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I'm probably about twice your age and have lost weight several times, never more than 30 lbs all by myself but as much as 127, 75, 50, with the help of a medical weight loss clinic. The director of the program, the educators, my personal physician, not to mention my husband, have been through this with me multiple times. I am no longer willing to wait and see if I can do it myself. I am hoping to gain at least 20 productive years by doing this compared to what I would otherwise have. That is worth it. I'm not going to go back and tell my doctors that after all the visits, all the education, all the tests the insurance company has paid for, that I'm ready to give it a go by myself because I am suddenly capable.

    I am not trying to talk you out of the surgery in any way. If you feel you need it, go for it. You have lost weight multiple times in the past, and evidently gained it back multiple times. If the re-gain was due to a psychological issue in the past, what will be different this time? Have you taken care of those issues? Sometimes it is an issue of medication adjustment, sometimes not. If you honestly feel that medication and surgery will solve your problem, then do what you feel is right. If you can honestly look yourself in the eye and even think that MAYBE medication and surgery ISN'T the COMPLETE answer.... I would suggest that you delay the surgery until you at least get started on handling the psychological issues. Further discussion with your doctors is encouraged.
  • mandy_lee86
    mandy_lee86 Posts: 103 Member
    I have a Lapland and it helped me lose 80 pounds very quickly. But, guess what? In the last six months I gained 30 of it back. After my surgery I did not work out and I thought this "tool" was supposed to make me lose everything. As with gastric, you can eat as much as you want. The band does have issues with leaking, etc. Looking back on it, I woudn't do it again because it did not change my mind set of being addicted to food. The change your mindset on food you have to put i the sweat and tears and work through every pound. The lapband is a major "cop out." I would not suggeste it. I would suggest everyone to put in their sweat and tears into every pound so that you don't have the same issues down the road once you'ved reached your prefered weight. You will never get to your goal unless you have the mindset. When you finally have the mindset, you know deep down inside that NOONE/NOTHING is going to stop you from reaching your goal. I realized this a few weeks back and I've been full force since then. The pounds are coming off and it makes me realize that I was an idiot for putting it off for so long. Just my two sense... Good luck to you, whatever route you choose
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