Falling off the wagon

I have fallen off the weight-loss wagon recently due to shift work, tiredness, illness and a bit of depression. I have given myself a good talking to and am starting again but feel the need for support. I have tried weight watchers and slimming world and initially had some success but quickly put it all back on. I used to be fit and able to lose weight easily but not now. I really want to lose the weight for my 50th in March. I want to go ski-ing next year and it would help. Any suggestions to keep on track despite the shifts, tiredness etc would be really helpful. Thanks


  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    You just gotta remember WHY you want this... you know what to do and CAN do it! Sometimes it helps me to (an old WW trick) write down the WHY. I feel like the visual of seeing what you want helps you go for it! Do you have an unflattering pic that makes you want to lose even more? Put it on your fridge! Do you have a pair of pants in your closet that you have pushed to the back because they are too snug? Move em to the front! Good luck to you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Mooloki
    Thanks for the reply. I do have a photo but I am feeling so bad about myself at the moment I can't even look at it. I have put it up but it is the wrong way round. I have promised myself that I will turn it round when I lose 3 pounds to spur me on.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Found this for you...


    "If you've invested enough effort and energy to get discouraged, you're well on your way to success. Discouragement is a certain weigh station on the road to any worthwhile achievement.
    If you know and care enough to be discouraged, you've made considerable progress. Learn what the discouragement has to teach you and then continue moving forward. It may seem as though you'll never make it, but in reality you're already there. Discouragement tempers and hardens you; it does not stop you.
    Reflect on your discouragement and you'll discover that it is a result of your commitment. You've already invested your time, your effort, your life. Soon, you'll reap the full reward of that investment. Let discouragement spur you on.
    Motivation is born of desire. The stronger the desire for something, the stronger the motivation.
    Endeaver to keep the promises we make to ourselves... We deserve to be treated with the same love and respect that we would give to others....." (By CW on bootcamp buddies)