
i work as a resturant manager and work 9-10 hour shift 3 times a week most of which is on my feet walking round.

do you think that these 9 hour shifts would be equivalent to walking for 30 mins at 5mph??


  • danielsmummy
    i work as a resturant manager and work 9-10 hour shift 3 times a week most of which is on my feet walking round.

    do you think that these 9 hour shifts would be equivalent to walking for 30 mins at 5mph??
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    Here is my Naff reply lol.
    If you are used to walking around three times a week for 9-10 hours before you decided to make any changes to aid weighloss then i don't think it can be counted as aditional excersise as your body will be used to this amount of excersise as "everyday burning". I read somewhere that walking has to push you a little and raise your heart rate to have "fat burning" qualities too. I'm no nutritional dude but I tend to read alot of probable nonsense so I try to take on board realistically what they mean.
    I don't know if you can run round the tables a bit faster but that might help lol.
    Sorry for the "quotation makrs" i love them ha ha
    good luck
  • danielsmummy
    i have just returned to work after 9 months maternty leave so i am certainly not used to it any more, i have been doing other exercise too, but was just adding it to my excercise tracking and was wondering if it would count.

    thanks for your reply :wink:
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    wow. congrats on the baby now you name makes sense along with the picture jeez im dumb lol.
    in which case yeah definately add the walking round at work as excersise. my job involves a chair and sitting still all day so now i've removed the chair and i stand up all day apparantly i will be a stick insect in no time ha ha ha.
  • danielsmummy
    thank you :smile:

    i have found it hard this week being my 1st week back, my legs and back are likking me so i deffo think something happening :drinker:
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    When you set up your weight loss goals and calories, it will ask you what your activity level is. You would be fairly active considering your job, so it'll adjust the calories based on this. Therefore, I would not count it as physical activity in the exercise log. On the days you don't work, cut back on your calories a bit.

    That's how I view it. Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    killer sounds good.
    i have been going for just over two weeks. i came back from a two week holiday and was like why have my jeans shrunk lol. 8 pounds in two weeks (i put on) definately a record for me but hey french food and wine and beer and .......ha ha. my first week was good this second week has been okay but my partner has a liking for alcohol which im trying to avoid but its difficult sitting there drinking diet coke all night. such a vice but hey. i'll keep going. i don;t think i have been my target weight since i was 15 so if i get there i will probably collapse i'll keep trying though lol.
  • danielsmummy
    i have been avoiding situations that invole alcohol.

    best of luck to you :smile:
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    you might try investing in an inexpensive pedometer and track it. I used to work in banquets at a place and would sometimes log 10 miles in a day. It wouldn't be the best of plans but might give you an idea of where you might want to step it up a little.