I want to lose 50lbs or more.. Need help.

I'm 25, 6'4" and I weigh 285lbs at least that's what the scale said. I want to workout but I work midnights and my body is all screwed up from being awake at night and sleeping during the day. I know I shouldn't make excuses but it's just so easy.
What I need is motivation to get up during the day and go and work out.
I know what I need to do to lose the weight, it's just getting myself motivated that is the hard part.
Can someone help me or give me any ideas?


  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    I find that if I get up an hour early and work out right before going to work, I have so much more energy all day (or night in your case) and I feel so proud of myself and good about myself that I want to keep doing it. If i work out after work, I find that I'm just plain tired.

    The trick is to just make yourself do it until it becomes a habit. Reward your workout with a treat (but not of more calories than you burned), then gradually reduce the treat until you don't need it as motivation anymore. You just need to trick your endorphines a little bit :) You can do it!
  • khotch1
    khotch1 Posts: 99 Member
    Find a gym that is open late by you, pack your bag and hit it before work! I know when you work nights you actually lose more time in your "day" period!

    Good luck! Find a way and make it a routine!
  • ClutteredCactus
    The other difficult part is the eating.
    I stand/sit there for 7 hours and I don't want to starve myself but sometimes I get bored and I eat most if not all my lunch.
    I always pack fruit, granola bars and a sandwich and I drink lots of water.
  • mnercesian
    I used to work nights 3pm - 3am+. Personally I exercised before I went in for my shift. Mid-days can be slower in a gym. They key is to just go. If you decide that you dont want to workout that day, and you just cant do it, commit to go for only ten minutes. It is ten minutes you wont spend in bed or eating. Once you are there maybe you can do more maybe you cant. No one ever said that you had to exercise for 30, 60, or 80 minutes before you can leave.

    I love working out but after taking almost 3 years off it was the last thing I wanted to do. I found that if I gave myself the freedom to leave when I wanted I wouldn't be putting such pressure on myself.

    I find this really helps when I try to talk myself out of going by saying "I only have enough time to workout for 20 minutes so I am not even going to go." Look at it in the long term 10 minutes 3 days a week over a year is equal 26 hours of exercise. Zero minutes over a year is a whole lot of weight gain.

    Good Luck. Stay positive.