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Weening myself off Fast Food

meadowlee Posts: 14
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
so, i've been on my new plan for a few days now, and I am getting the major urges to eat fast food. this is coming form someone who usually eats fast food 5-6 times a week, sometime much more. (and i wonder why i am fat. ugh.) so, i know it's not realistic for me to go cold turkey, but i'm just wondering, how to you reccommend that i ween myself off of fast food? here is what i love about it:

-it's convenient. bottom line. fast, simple and right on my way home from work... (actually right by my house)

-it's cheap! seriously inexpensive, although even if it was not cheap i would probably still eat it...

- the smell. oh god, the smell, even just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

- the taste. fatty, salty, sweet... yummy. the soft bun, the charbroiled beef, the gobs of mayo and cheese... the crisp french fries with the pillowy centre...

-the full full feeling in my stomach after i eat it. nothing satisfy's me (whether it is hunger or some deeper emotional issue) like one or two supersized meals from mc donalds or wendy's.

i'm aware that this is not normal reaction... it's just food! it's what my body usues for fuel, but i obviously have a problem... i just would like to know how you all kicked the fast food habit? i know fast food is gross and have known that for decades, but it never stopped me before. thanks for the input!


  • meadowlee
    meadowlee Posts: 14
    so, i've been on my new plan for a few days now, and I am getting the major urges to eat fast food. this is coming form someone who usually eats fast food 5-6 times a week, sometime much more. (and i wonder why i am fat. ugh.) so, i know it's not realistic for me to go cold turkey, but i'm just wondering, how to you reccommend that i ween myself off of fast food? here is what i love about it:

    -it's convenient. bottom line. fast, simple and right on my way home from work... (actually right by my house)

    -it's cheap! seriously inexpensive, although even if it was not cheap i would probably still eat it...

    - the smell. oh god, the smell, even just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

    - the taste. fatty, salty, sweet... yummy. the soft bun, the charbroiled beef, the gobs of mayo and cheese... the crisp french fries with the pillowy centre...

    -the full full feeling in my stomach after i eat it. nothing satisfy's me (whether it is hunger or some deeper emotional issue) like one or two supersized meals from mc donalds or wendy's.

    i'm aware that this is not normal reaction... it's just food! it's what my body usues for fuel, but i obviously have a problem... i just would like to know how you all kicked the fast food habit? i know fast food is gross and have known that for decades, but it never stopped me before. thanks for the input!
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    I know what put me off fast food for a while...

    Get a copy of "Fast Food Nation" and "Don't Eat This Book" and watch "Supersize Me!"

    You'll be disgusted enough that some of your fast food cravings should diminish! :flowerforyou:
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Go to their websites and research the nutrition so that you chose healthier sandwiches/meals then your normal or downsize. Instead of having a full size value meal on your way home for dinner, get a kids meal at lunchtime. If you used to eat there 5-6 times a week, cut back to one dinner or two lunches per week. After a month, cut back to just one lunch size meal per week. You can also start to cook healthier versions of your favorite fast foods at home to help (lean beef burgers on multi-grain, wheat or "light" buns, baked potato wedges instead of fries, etc)

    Chances are, the more weight you lose the less you will desire fast food, why?? Because if you stick with it, you will lose weight! & losing weight feels fantastic :bigsmile: There'll come a time when you'll enjoy seeing that number on the scale or on the measuring tape going down more than you'll crave that burger.

  • amycakes812
    amycakes812 Posts: 441
    I know what put me off fast food for a while...

    Get a copy of "Fast Food Nation" and "Don't Eat This Book" and watch "Supersize Me!"

    You'll be disgusted enough that some of your fast food cravings should diminish! :flowerforyou:

    :laugh: I was going to suggest "Fast Food Nation" and "Supersize Me" also. Haven't read "Don't Eat This Book" will have to check that one out. Who is it by?
  • "Fast Food Nation" worked for me too... Also grab a copy of "Eat This Not That", so that if you do crave fast food you can eat something a little healthier.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    An adult serving size say at McDonalds is a cheesburger happy meal without mayo. If my fiance wants fast food and we are burnt on subway, this is what I order. Usually with juice or water or even diet coke once in a blue moon. I eat it slow. A fry at a time with yummy ketchup. 540 cals. That is what I use when I eat a happy meal. And surprisingly if eaten slow....it does fill you up. But even at 540 cals, I have to get out and walk for a few mins or workout to make it worth it....would much rather eat a big salad.......sad how we all have turned into a glutenous society.........disgusting isn't it.

    You are here because you are not happy with your weight. You know that the fast food prevents you from losing. Find something that you want to do that your weight prevents you from doing, set a date to be able to do it, make a ticker here for it and watch the ticker....push if you have to.......1 pound at a time. Stay away from the fast food..............it's crap....do you really want to eat crap?

  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    I know what put me off fast food for a while...

    Get a copy of "Fast Food Nation" and "Don't Eat This Book" and watch "Supersize Me!"

    You'll be disgusted enough that some of your fast food cravings should diminish! :flowerforyou:

    :laugh: I was going to suggest "Fast Food Nation" and "Supersize Me" also. Haven't read "Don't Eat This Book" will have to check that one out. Who is it by?

    Morgan Spurlock, the same guy that starred in "Supersize Me." Good reads! Fast Food Nation was a tremendous eye opener. Although I do eat fast food occasionally, I only do so out of desperation and I'm always riddled with guilt afterwards... which keeps me from going back frequently.
  • Try replacing a couple of your urges a week with Subway. I could be a walking, talking Subway ad! You are eating healthier AND get more food! I had McDs with my boyfriend on Sunday, and it actually made me sick to my stomach because I'm not used to it anymore! One good step will create another.
  • beccie2012
    beccie2012 Posts: 18
    Everyone is right. did you know that a Big Mac (all by itself) is 500 cals. And the salt. Bad for your blood pressure. Then if those don't work: Look at yourself in a full mirror and ask how long will my body live like this. How will my children fill if I'm gone because of what I did to my body.

    Sorry. My soap box. I have high cholesterol and blood pressure and want to see my grandchildren grow old. My mother is extreamly overweight and I expect her to die of overweight.

    Cook things the night before. Make sure they have no salt, but the other wonderful herbs GOD created. Cool the meal and store it. Once you walk into the house, pop it into the microwave while you are changing clothes and taking off your shoes. If you make extra of the meal, you can freeze it in mini containers and take different dishes to work. Not only would it be good and healthy for you, but sort of convenient after awhile.

    Hope this helps
  • Yewkon
    Yewkon Posts: 34
    If I dont have time to make lunch or I just want to grab something quick, I stop at Subway. Sure, that foot long oven roasted chicken breast is 700 calories, but at least I get my veggies and hardly any fat.

    Now if you compare that FOOT LONG subway sub at 700 calories to:

    Whopper with cheese: 780 calories
    Big Mac: 540 calories
    Quarter Pounder: 535 calories

    Now which is more filling?

    If I'm hungry enough to eat a foot long from subway, I could probably eat 2 whoppers, big macs, etc

    So, for me, calorie nutrition wise - I pick subway

    Plus they dont sell french fries, so I'm not tempted to eat that poison.

    Edit: As for the cost issue. Have you ever priced out what it costs to make a hamburger (using lean meat) vs buying one at a fast food place? Buying all the ingredients costs more up front, but it's cheaper per serving.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    Im sorry, but it's ridiculous to think or say that you cant "quit" eating fast food cold turkey. No offence, but it's nothing like quitting smoking. Regardless of what you think, you are not physically dependant on fast food and you need to tell yourself this over and over. The fact is, you just need willpower. Everytime you have that urge to eat that crap just look at yourself in the mirror. Sooner or later you will get it. The truth hurts, but being fat is worse.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Im sorry, but it's ridiculous to think or say that you cant "quit" eating fast food cold turkey. No offence, but it's nothing like quitting smoking. Regardless of what you think, you are not physically dependant on fast food and you need to tell yourself this over and over. The fact is, you just need willpower. Everytime you have that urge to eat that crap just look at yourself in the mirror. Sooner or later you will get it. The truth hurts, but being fat is worse.

    You are so right Matty...........
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    I won't deny myself anything. This is a not a diet but a lifestyle for a lifetime. From someone who used to eat fast food almost daily, sometimes multiple times in a day, it is not realistic for me to say that I will never eat fast food again. That's not a lifestyle choice I want to make. So I am practicing portion control and only allow myself a visit to the golden arches once a week. It has gotten easier over the month...the 1st few days were the worst because I swear Mcd's puts crack in their french fries! :laugh:
    I know I was addicted, but it is getting better!
    Hang in there!

  • shannasuggs
    shannasuggs Posts: 9 Member
    If you just can't give up the fast food you definitely need to research what you're going to eat before you go. I'm on a computer all day so I've bookmarked all of the nutrition menus for the restaurants (not just fast food) around town. I generally a kids meal but if I want something different I check the menu to see if it's worth it. I have also bookmarked the Eat This Not That website http://www.menshealth.com/eatthis.

    I think if you educate yourself first you'll be smarter about what you eat.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I hardly eat fast food and I use to it quite often. I have iphone and download the nutrtion menu for restaraurants and def deters me when I see how much certain foods have for cals and fat.
  • Lillybelle1889
    Lillybelle1889 Posts: 19 Member
    I think weening yourself off fast food is kindof a ridiculous idea. Just stop eating it. Its all about will power. I used to eat fast food almost everyday of the week and in the last month and a half the only fast food I have had was subway once. I know it is convenient but it really isn't worth it. You can give it up cold turkey. Its just whether or not you really want to.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I won't deny myself anything. This is a not a diet but a lifestyle for a lifetime. From someone who used to eat fast food almost daily, sometimes multiple times in a day, it is not realistic for me to say that I will never eat fast food again. That's not a lifestyle choice I want to make. So I am practicing portion control and only allow myself a visit to the golden arches once a week. It has gotten easier over the month...the 1st few days were the worst because I swear Mcd's puts crack in their french fries! :laugh:
    I know I was addicted, but it is getting better!
    Hang in there!


    They TOTALLY put crack in their fries!!! I agree with your statement. I don't deny myself anything because if I do, I know that this lifestyle will not last long. Portion control is HUGE. I had a donut this morning. Do I have one everyday?? No. Did I burn an extra 150 calories at the gym today to make up for it? Yes. It's a numbers game. If it fits into my calories it's fine with me! :smile:
  • pegm
    pegm Posts: 119 Member
    I quit fast food cold turkey. For several months I didn't go near the places. Now that I have a little better handle on my eating, and seeing good results for it, I am able to make healthy choices when the family wants to go there. McDonalds is my first choice because their side sald with balsmic dressing is my favorite with a hamburger (extra pickles). It is a lifestyle change, not a temporary fix. I can either eat the french fries, be happy for a moment, keep wearing plus size clothing and get winded going up the steps or I can make adjustments in my eating, exercise and live a long healthy life.
  • I quit fast food cold turkey as well after watching the movie supersize me... then I read the book fast food nation... scary stuff !!! You can do it ;)
  • tig3rang3l
    tig3rang3l Posts: 270 Member
    Do it cold turkey. The faster you are off the stuff, the better, at least until you kick the habit. I agree with the above... read Fast Food Nation. It won't work forever, but that book kept me away from McDonald's for 4 months. Now if I go out to eat (which is extremely rare, especially since I started to diet) I am careful of what I ordert.

    I've been 'dieting' for a month, and I've lost 11 pounds total (4 with MFP). Being thin is worth way more than a burger. The salt cravings will go away, I promise. Before you eat anything, drink a cup of water first to curb your appetite. You CAN eat healthy, fast. Bananas, apples, celery, carrots and oranges all travel well. Pack your lunch the night before work.

    Be accountable to someone else in your household, or join a group on here if you haven't already.

    In a few months, you will read your post and wonder how you ever craved fast food, and recognize it for what it is... a rare treat, not a lifestyle.

    PS: You're probably right about the emotional fulfillment rather than your hunger... No one on here can answer that for you, but if you suspect that might be an issue, talk to your doc... s/he can probably recommend a good therapist, and honestly everyone should see a good therapist at least once in their lifetime.
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