Interesting NSV and SV

I started my weight loss journey on Halloween this year and radically changed my diet and exercised about 5 -6 days a week. I lost 7 pounds for the month of November. I then broke my collarbone while snowboarding around the end of November and due to stress regarding money and probably a huge drop in endorphins, I got depressed and started eating really badly. I was unable to exercise due to pain. As the 2 weeks went along my diet got progressively worse and I had reverted back to my terrible eating habits, which would consist of pizza and chocolate nearly everyday. I would jump on the scale every few days and over the 2 weeks I gained around 5 pounds!

Once i got to 5 pounds I decided to finish the current day eating whatever I wanted but that was it! The next day I was getting back on track! That was 2 days ago! My scale victory is that despite all the overeating, I weighed myself and I have lost all the weight I gained and even dropped 1 more!

My Non scale victory is that I am able to snap myself out of my eating habits easily if I go off track. In the past I would have taken much longer to smarten up. Also realizing that going overboard isn't the end of the world.

I am happy to be back! :)


  • lauramonster
  • Mlehew
    Mlehew Posts: 17 Member
    Well done...all of us slip up from time to time. As long as you put the bad day/week behind you and move forward, you're headed back in the right direction. Don't beat yourself up and keep working. Congrats again for overcoming a difficult setback!
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