Not wanting to speed up time but....

How many of you are looking forward to Jan 2, 2012 and wanting it to hurry up and get here? Not because you want Christmas or the new year to HURRY UP and get over with, I would NEVER wish that, but to just have things "back to normal"! And by "back to normal" I mean not having a "get together" whether it be family or friends EVERY weekend during December! I only have so much willpower to dish out and the amount that is saved for December is QUICKLY deminishing....UGH!!! I don't want it to hurry up and be done already but... hurry up and be done already! I have been lucky that I have been holding my own during December and actually lost a little over a pound but I am ready to get back to loosing 7-8 lbs a month like I have been used to! So how do you feel about December?


  • scotsgal1
    I feel exactly the same!!! Everyday in my work there has been chocolates and cakes and xmas dinners, its so hard to resist!
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I understand that. I'm afraid of all the treats that will be coming into my job. But also I'm still afraid of January since I am going away for the weekend the second week of January and then the next weekend, I'll be going to a Vet conference. I'm looking forward to these events but scared of them as well. I'm wondering how I will get my exercise in and how I will make decent food choices when I have no choice but to eat out. I've worked so hard, I do not want to backslide. I can handle maintaining, but to gain I will be devastated.
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    I totally understand. I don't want to speed up time, but I'm a little nervous about all the temptations! I have set myself some short term goals to help me get through it. Good luck. I refuse to gain weight during this time, just want to lose it!