Can you lose weight by keeping to your calorie goal??

I've hurt my knee badly and have been told by the doctor not to exercise. I miss exercising already and I'm worried I'll pile the pounds back on if I don't do anything. I cannot do any other exercise accept from walking due a medical condition. Question is: will I still lose weight if I eat within my carlorie goal? (1200)

Thanks in advance.


  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
  • hazedot
    hazedot Posts: 111 Member
    Yes you will. Not as fast as when you are exercising but yes is the simple answer! :)
  • Thanks for your fast replies! I've got the answer I needed.
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I am losing and I cant exercise - I am on 1200 a day
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    You will lose weight, but unfortunately it will be muscle as well as fat. I would ask if he has a problem with you doing some resistance training of some kind with resistance bands or something. There are a lot of resistance exercises you can do while recumbent using bands like that which will put virtually no strain on joints and such, but without knowing the overall state of your medical situation, it is impossible to really give good advice. I'd dig deeper with your doctor and see what you can and cannot do in absolute terms. Make sure he knows how important your fitness is to you.
  • MercedesV
    MercedesV Posts: 70 Member
    that's a good point, maybe you can do some lifting in the arms and give your knees a rest. Water may not be a bad thing either since it's no impact???? worth asking???
  • I had to laugh reading your post... I'm sitting here eating my Healthy Choice frozen lunch w/ my knee propped up on a garbage can with an ice pack on it. Been battling the knee issue and the Dr says the same thing: STOP using it, ice it and take motrin.
    Question - are you able to do ANY exercise - or just walk (due to other conditions)?
    The reason I ask is that you can exercise using your arms and some light weights - 2-3 lbs.
    When you use your arms - waving, circling, raising, etc you use 30% more heart energy, so that could off-set some cals.
    You can do punches - while seated, or squating if your knee can take a comfy position.
    Just punch out left and right - over and over. That left me winded after nearly a minute - so it must be good.
    Add a 1 lb or 2 or 3 lb wts if you can - lift, circle, whatever - and it'll help.

    As to losing, I would agree: yes, but not fast. 3,500 cals is what it takes to add or lose a pound.
    If you cut 500 cals a day - you could lose 1 lb a week. Or eat 1200 a day (if that's your level) and stay the same.
  • You just have to put in your new activity level and this should tell you what the new calorie intake is depending on if you want to maintain or lose weight. The most important part of a weight loss program is nutrition, so Yes you can still lose weight if u are creating a caloric deficit.
  • Because you won’t be doing a lot of cardio you can try to consume more grams of proteins to help maintain more of the lean muscle mass and less carbohydrates
  • aamon17
    aamon17 Posts: 54 Member
    I had the same problem -- no walking/running due to a thigh muscle tear. I purchased a hand cycle from Amazon (link below0 for $38! Sat in my chair & placed the cycle on the ottoman in front of me & peddled away with my arms. It raised my heart rate significantly, giving me great calories burns. It is boring. But, you can watch television at the same time.
  • Thanks for the replies everyone I will keep everything in mind.

    @judy. Medical condition isn't THAT bad, just don't have a lot of strength in arms etc.