Warrior Dash - can I do this?!



  • I signed up to do this in June too. I am SOO not a runner. I think it looks like it will be a blast though. :-) I started training on the elliptical for now and when it warms up I'll switch to running outside. I'm doing Power 90 as well so I can build up the upper body strength.

    For people that have done it...and suggestions on footwear?
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    My tip: pin your number to your shorts and take off your shirt (um, wear another shirt underneath:tongue:) and throw it away after the mud, and wear close-fitting clothes, the mud is really heavy and really weighs down anything loose-fitting.

    I didnt even think about the mud vs clothing! Thanks for the tip!

    agreed. number should be in the front too. i had to search through the photos taken of my even because they couldn't orgonize it, because my number was in the back.
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 317 Member
    I've never been much of a runner either - although I did run (or should I say jogged) my first 5k ever last year. I'm definitely going to focus on stepping it up on the treadmill!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member

    I'm not sure where you did yours, but mine was in OK and you were definitely able to skip an obstacle if you needed to. There was one that you couldn't just b/c it was part of the trail (pulling yourself up a hill), but the rest you could. I attempted 100% of the obstacles but some I just couldn't do at my weight and level of strength. There were 3 I had to skip after trying them. But I tried, and was d@mn proud of that.
    I was in Breckenridge CO. I think they invalidated your time or something if you skipped an obstacle, but I don't know for sure. You should be damn proud, it's not like there was some kind of prize and you were cheating, you just challenge yourself and do what you can do! it's not about what other people can do.

    Ah, that makes more sense, that you COULD skip but penalized if you did. I don't think they did that in OK, but I'm not sure. I was just hoping to finish, didn't care about time. :laugh:

    But come April '12, I AM caring about time. I want to cut my last time in half!! Plus I'm taking my 16 yo niece and I'm scared she'll leave me in the dust if I don't get busy with some training!
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 317 Member
    I know I probably won't be able to win or even get close for that matter - but I am going to try to finish each obstacle. I'm totally psyched for this! :happy:
  • I signed up to do this in June too. I am SOO not a runner. I think it looks like it will be a blast though. :-) I started training on the elliptical for now and when it warms up I'll switch to running outside. I'm doing Power 90 as well so I can build up the upper body strength.

    For people that have done it...and suggestions on footwear?

    At the one in Miami - they had a thing were you could donate your used/trashed sneakers... Wear light sneakers or used ones... My husband washed his after but they're not the same... Once you get them covered in mud (and you will) they are like weights on your feet so the lighter the better... BUT THEY WILL BE PRETTY NEAR DESTROYED so don't spend a lot of money on a special shoe...:smile:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, yeah, I wore old sneakers and tossed them in the pile to donate at the end.
  • YES YOU CAN!! It is so much fun! You don't have to run the whole thing! I did it this past summer and what a blast! So worth it. And if you get a group together it is even more fun!