elliptical trainer

I love to exercise on the elliptical but it kills me after 15 minutes. The longest I have gone is 35 minutes. I am wondering what people do to motivate themselves when they work out to keep going.. or is there some trick that i dont know about .lol


  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    This might sound ridiculous but I talk to myself (in my head of course). LoL! I just keep giving myself positive affirmations, telling myself I'm doing awesome- stuff like that. It really helps a lot. Also, I try to really focus on my body and how I'm moving it. I avoid using headphones/listening to music or watching tv for this reason. If I start getting pain (which happens sometimes when I'm running) I recognize it and picture my breath going to where I'm feeling the pain. All this might sound ridiculous, lol, but focusing on my body, the way I'm moving, my pains, and my thoughts really gets me through my workouts.
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    For me, it's the music. I've tried watching my favorite tv show, watching a movie, etc while doing it, but I find if I have the right music playlist, that keeps me pumped up through the whole exercise.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    For me I need to get lost in a book or magazine. Or if I am really into a show on tv (but I have a hard time during the commercials) or a movie that really helps. Music doesn't help as much as reading or watching the tv, but it is better than nothing! 30min is my limit though.
  • MsClaudiaMarie
    I love the elliptical machine. I usually do a good hour on it. I need headphones! I hate when I can hear other ppl's convos. I make a new playlist every week with upbeat music. When I feel like I can't go any longer I talk myself into working out through one more song. And as I'm scrolling through my playlist I find more and more songs I love listening to. When you finish, you put in a go0d 45-60 minute without even realizing it!
  • sadye58
    I use to have a personal trainer a few years back I would never do over 3 min on the elliptical. But it is amazing what you can push your body to do when you have someone accountable to your workouts. I did 8 minutes with him right there encouraging and telling me i will not get off until i completed those 8 min. I've learned alot of things in life are mental push yourself to keeping going and set a goal everytime you get on it go longer each time. I can know do 1 hour and it doesnt even bother me! Good Luck!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    I watch television shows on DVD :D
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    I use the elliptical trainer three times a week, an hour at a time. What helps me is doing intervals. I crank the resistance from 4 to 10 and go as fast as I can for 1 minute. I can't go more than the minute and am SO glad when it's over. I started at 30 second intervals 10 minutes apart. Now I'm doing the 1 minute ones 7 minutes apart (do 8 total). It changes things up enough to make it not so monotonous. It's also a great workout for my heart and endurance, I can feel the improved fitness when I go on my hikes
  • sadiecara
    sadiecara Posts: 59 Member
    Its the music, and I love watching other peoples faces while I work out.. I always think its their 'sex faces' and it makes me smile and helps me keep focused on my work out... I used to struggle doing 10 minutes, but now push myself to do 40. My favourite piece of equipment
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I usually do an hour on the elliptical. For me the key is upbeat music. My iPod is a must. Also there are TV's on each one at my gym, and even though I am listening to my music I like to have it on and I usually put the closed captioning on sometimes, it keeps me distracted just looking at it. I also take like 40 second breaks every 15-20 minutes, just to catch my breath. And sometimes I will just trick myself, I'll really have 15 minutes or so left and I'll say OK, just 10 more minutes and then I'll just force myself to keep going for the rest. I've just managed to get up to an hour within the last 2 months, I had only been doing 45 minutes. I'm always drenched t the end, but I feel good when I make it through.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Music is key for me, too. Maybe even podcasts or books on tape for you?

    Another thing to try is a program of some kind..interval or something like that. So you could do:

    5 minute warmup
    2 minutes at 10 incline L6
    2 minutes at 11 incline L6
    2 minutes at 11 incline L7
    2 minutes at (something easy)

    Or anything you can think of...you could probably Google up some elliptical cardio workouts to try. Just having all that activity of watching the timer and remembering what's next etc etc can make the time go by faster.
  • Shaz_74
    Shaz_74 Posts: 100 Member
    I've tried watching t.v. but I tend to slow down to concentrate on the show LOL
    I love these guided cardio workouts from: http://www.cardiocoach.com/ ... they make the time fly by and get me to work a lot harder than I normally would just listening to my own music. The music and challenges (intervals) are perfectly suited to the elliptical.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I can go on it for 90 minutes or more! Get some good music on, set it on high level, watch the calories go up, the distance rack up and height climbed mount up! Keep calculating your average pace yourself...challenge yourself to beat the last 5 minutes at one of the variables. Good power music and thinking of things that get you pumped up re good. As well as good old will power, self discipline and determination. If you really are committed to your health/diet/weight loss training, you'll fight through the boredom. Runners do it when we "hit the wall" ... its a show of character.
  • MummaAimz
    MummaAimz Posts: 81 Member
    I work out with a girlfriend on the elliptical at the gym 3 days a week and we talk and gossip and next thing you know its been a half an hour and then we move on to our strength training and then back to the elliptical or the treadmill for our cool down....but when I'm alone I always have music...I set my playlist with my favorite song at the end so I keep going until I get to it!
  • melbellkid
    Ipod, TV, or reading are good time blasters. I have also found working out with a friend and talking makes time fly by. I do seem to work out longer when something is bothering me too because it gives me time to work things out in my head :)
  • finchase
    finchase Posts: 174
    Music is primary for me. I put on my current playlist, turn it up loud enough to block whatever music's playing in the gym and just go. I can see the TVs from my position but it's too far away for me to read the close-captioning, so I only glance at it. Watching people is more fun for me, especially if I see them doing some new exercise that I might want to try.

    I also relieve the monotony by varying my program. If I kept it at the same resistance level or incline the whole time, I'd go nuts. I concentrate a lot on my heart rate and keeping it elevated, so that occupies me a great deal.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    20 minutes on the elliptical or less is pointless. The equivalent run workout would be about 13.5 minutes long as you should work on a high resistance and for about 1.5 times longer than on a treadmill or running outdoors. So a 1 hour run should be 90 minutes long on an elliptical, 30 minute run 45 mins elliptical etc.
  • jimkari82
    jimkari82 Posts: 37 Member
    I like to listen to music or read while I am on there. I have the TV on in the background. I have to keep the time covered up so I am not looking at it all the time because otherwise I dread being on there. Music is the best for me, I know that when a really good song comes on that I speed things up. At night I have my daughter in the room with me and we talk about her day and different things and that makes time fly also. Everyone has great ideas.
  • katz22
    katz22 Posts: 116 Member
    I love to exercise on the elliptical but it kills me after 15 minutes. The longest I have gone is 35 minutes. I am wondering what people do to motivate themselves when they work out to keep going.. or is there some trick that i dont know about .lol

    Make a record of how long you can go on the elliptical and aim to beat this time on your next workout.
  • jmorrison22
    It's way easier to do the elliptical with a friend. I find myself lost in conversation and time just fly's bye.
  • aussie_nic_getting_fit
    i love the eliptical... i tend to go to the gym around the time that the "ellen degeneres" show is on...
    i plug in my ear phones and exersise while LMAO.. my time goes sooo fast.. :-)

    i must look "special" exersising and laughing away