Need advise please

I have been on this site for 45 days and being disciplined. I am down from 264 to 240 the last time I weighed which was 12 days ago. I will weigh again on Saturday and want to get to at least 230. This week I started working out twice a day and burning 1500 calories each day. I am eating around 1300 calories each day. The site says I'm starving myself and need more calories. My wife is not sure if I should at least eat what I'm burning. I am not taking in account for the 1700 calories which the site tells me I can have with no exercise. When adding 1500 calories burned to my 1700 allowed it would give me 3200 calories if I chose to eat them.

Am I eating to few calories. Any advise is appreciated


  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    My personal opinion? YES, definitely too few calories. You are burning more calories than you're even eating in a day. Your body needs the nutrients for fuel to keep going. Please up your calorie intake. I don't think you necessarily need to eat all 3,200, but you should be much closer. Your body needs the calories to give you fuel to keep your immune system up and your body fully functioning. :) Best of luck - sounds like you're making good progress!
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Short Answer yes, you are eating too little.

    Without seeing your diary, knowing your weight, etc, it's tough to give any real advice.
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    24 lbs in 32 days? That's a HUGE loss, wonderful for you sure -- but too much too fast imho. Up your eating, go for a 3 lb a week loss which is something you'll be able to maintain. I'd suggest spending your time on MFP learning how to eat healthy -- not just dropping the weight lightning fast.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    My advice is to eat more.
  • stephanie_salvi
    In my opinion, you should be eating more calories. There's no way I'd be able to sustain your current strategy. But my goal is a healthier lifestyle, which includes weight loss in addition to putting good fuel in my body. And for me, weight loss is a marathon, not a race. It's taken me this entire year to lose 74 pounds, and I still have 9 to go. But with the lifestyle changes I've made, I know I'll get there.

    That being said, I don't eat back my exercise calories most days, and I know most people on here do and frown upon those who do not.

    The best advice I can give is to listen to your body. Are you lethargic? Are you really hungry all the time? I admire your commitment to weight loss, but I'd encourage you to think of your long-term health as well.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    That is a very fast loss. Not sure its healthy.
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    This is unhealthy. Your vital organs require a certain number of calories a day to function healthily. You require calories to breathe, for your heart to beat, and even thinking burns calories. That is why it's never recommended to go under 1200 calories. And that's a rough estimate. If you continue to eat less than a net of 1200 (and really, you should use a calculator to get a more accurate number); you are putting your health at risk. Slow and steady does it. As people say, it takes years to put on all that weight and it could take as long to take it off. That's why the site doesn't recommend losing more than 2 pounds per week. It's frustrating that we can magically make ourselves into an ideal, but that's the way it is.
  • mainscott
    mainscott Posts: 36 Member
    Thats what I thought and thank you for the comments. I'm going to go drink a protien shake with a yogart banana and skim milk for 382 calories and up intake to a minimum of 1700 calories if I continue burning 1500 calories a day at the YMCA. I'm 50 years old and am excited to be doing this with my wife. My personality unfortunately is if it is worth doing it is worth over doing it. Time for the shake and thanks for any and all advise. This site rocks!!
  • mainjane
    I agree with all of these posts. I am Mainscott's wife and I think it is great that he wants to lose the weight but I agree that he needs to do it in a healthy way. We are doing this to get healthy and we didn't get this way overnight so it will take time to get off the weight.

    Keep up the good work and dedication and be patient. You are doing great. I am proud of you, Scott.
  • stephanie_salvi
    I agree with all of these posts. I am Mainscott's wife and I think it is great that he wants to lose the weight but I agree that he needs to do it in a healthy way. We are doing this to get healthy and we didn't get this way overnight so it will take time to get off the weight.

    Keep up the good work and dedication and be patient. You are doing great. I am proud of you, Scott.

    Listen to wifey. Smart cookie.